the 8th annual Chicago Anarchist Film Festival:
Keep the Quiet Down!
May 2 May 4 2008
at Centro Autonomo
3460 W Lawrence Avenue, Chicago
CTA: Just west of Brown Line Kimball stop
and off the Kimball & Lawrence Buses.
Friday 7pm10:30pm
A Little Background Music
Saturday 12:30pm4pm (matinee)
Turn It To 11
Sunday 7pm10:30pm
Something More
See list of films below.
A donation of $5-10 per festival day (No One Turned Away for lack of funds).
Increase the fun with the annual raffle! Great prizes! Raffle drawing at the film fest. You don't need to be present to win. $2 for each raffle ticket/ $5 for 3 raffle tickets. See website for list of donors and prizes.
For more information email:
caff (at) riseup.net or visit:
(subject to change: see website for most current lineup)
Festival Day One
A little background Music
Friday May 2, 7pm10:30pm
The Internationale
directed by Peter Miller | 30 min.
History of revolutionary anthem.
Selections from Disaster and the Spectacle
Black Star Film Short | 5 min. (excerpt)
Film collages and general mockery of authority
History of Oil
directed by Robert Newman | 45 min.
Stand up comedy with skits from comedian, author and political activist Robert Newman.Chicago Premiere
Intermission (15 min.)
Jessica Lawless | 6min.
Simón Radowitzky
directed by 5 pal peso | 20 min.
Mostly silent re-enactment of crucial scenes from the life of anarchist Simón Radowitzky(1891-1956).
Chicago Premiere
It Can Happen Here directed by Jonathon Culp/Satan McNuggit | 47min. | 2007 Documentary explores a mental institution and labor history.
Chicago Premiere: Filmmaker to Attend!
For more information email:
caff (at) riseup.net or visit:
Festival Day Two
Turn It To 11
Saturday 12:30pm4pm
Heavy Metal Drummer
by Toby MacDonald and Luke Morris | 6min.
It's against the rules, and against the law to play this way but sometimes you just can¹t help it.
Table Bed Chair
directed by Robert Hack and Jakob Proyer | 30 min.
English and Dutch with English Subtitles
The film combines insights into the history of the squatter movement and its particularly well-developed autonomous structures and practices with a focus on the extraordinary legal situation in the Netherlands.
Portrait #2: Trojan
directed by Vanessa Redwick | 5 min. | 2006
Power plant demolished to pretty music soundtrack. Chicago Premiere
Torture is Us
directed by Scooter Twomey | 30 min
Scooter Twomey endeavors to set up his own independent torture company in lieu of the CIA being banned from Europe for extraordinary rendition.
Chicago Premiere
Rise Up!by local artists Jenny Kendler & Molly Schafer | 3 min. Animals fight back!
Intermission (15 min.)
I Can't Help This
directed by local filmmaker Charles Mahaffee | 3min. Three unusual protests
The Day the Country Died
directed by Roy Wallacer | 120min.
The rise of anarcho punk, interviews and performance of Crass, SubHumans, Zounds, Chumbawamba, Conflict, Flux of Pink Indians, Oi Polloi, and more.
For more information email:
caff (at) riseup.net or visit:
Festival Day three
Something More
Sunday 7pm10:30pm
directed by Mark Osborne | 6 min.
A very sad and sweet claymation about work and consumption.
Lunch Break/Second Take
by P.M.S. Media | 5 min.
A public service announcement about cleaning.
Chicago Premiere
5 1/2 Roofs: Tony's Cafe
directed by Sepp Brudderman | 17 min. (excerpt)
One of 6 stories about London squats and what happens to them.
Chicago Premiere
American Storage
directed by Andrew Jay Cohen | 13 min.
Why would anyone take up residence in a storage locker? (and how do you do it?)
Radio Realidad
by local EN EL OJO Productions | 20 min.
Spanish with English subtitles
Documents the project of a community based radio run by organized campesino communities that are affiliated to the National Center for Rural Workers (CNTC in spanish) in Honduras. The CNTC is a national campesino organization engaged in active struggle for land for the landless farmers, education, and social justice. Chicago Premiere: Filmmakers to attend!
Intermission (15 min.)
The Jena 6
by Big Noise Films | 30 min.
A quiet town of Jena, Louisiana becomes the site of the largest civil rights demonstration in the South since the 1960s. Narrated by Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Made in Secret
by One Tiny Whale and Zoey | 86min.
Lessons in process and whatnot from some anarchists types inspired by DIY and Boogie Nights
For more information email:
caff (at) riseup.net or visit:
Co-Sponsor of the 8th Annual Chicago Anarchist Film Festival:
Precarity : Chicago
Before the Film Festival weekend, join us May Day for the Precarity Launch Party at Quenchers!
May, 1 2008, 7pm, Quenchers Saloon, 2401 N Western Ave, Chicago Come to the official launch of Precarity : Chicago, a militant research collective devoted to linking the experience and resistance of the everyday to the broader struggle against capital and the numerous divisions it creates or exploits. $5 to 10 suggested donation. For more information about Precarity :
Chicago, contact
precaritychicago (at) gmail.com