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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Stop Boeing Torture Flights

Demonstration at Boeing Annual Shareholders'Meeting
Monday, April 28 at 9:30 a.m.
Field Museum on McFetteridge Dr.
Holding pattern: The C.I.A. has been operating a Boeing 737 as part of a top-secret global charter. (Photo: Graphic by Newsweek ]
Jeppeson Dataplan, Inc. is a wholly onwed subsidiary of Boeing. A lawsuit has been filed against direct flight services to the CIA that enable the clandestine transportation of 5 men to secret overseas locations where they were subjected to torture and other forms of inhuman and degrading treatment.

Stop Boeing Torture Flights

Join us on 4/28 Monday at 9:30 a.m. at the Field Museum on McFetteridge Drive.

Directions to the Field Museum:
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Museum Campus Map (PDF):
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