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Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

Filmmaker to Bring Election Integrity Documentary to Chicago for One Time Only Special Screening

David Earnhardt to Sound Alarm About Potential 2008 Election Irregularities at special one time only screening at Landmark's Century Centre Cinema in Chicago at 7:00pm, on Tuesday, April 29, 2008.
A famous Chicagoan may have coined the phrase, "Vote early - and vote often," during the last century, but it's this year's Super Tuesday instances of frozen voting machines in Peoria, "magic" invisible ink in the 49th Ward's 42nd precinct, and uncounted ballots in Evanston County, that make for a timely one time only Chicago screening of the new feature-length election integrity documentary, UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections. The screening will take place at Landmark's Century Centre Cinema in Chicago at 7:00pm, on Tuesday, April 29, 2008.

A question and answer session featuring filmmaker, David Earnhardt, and Tribune Media Columnist, Bob Koehler, will follow the screening.

"Illinois, like the rest of the country, has a long and varied history of election irregularities," said Earnhardt, "Yet there are still so many in the state that accept on faith the integrity of the process - I hope my film can help change that."

UNCOUNTED exposes the unbridled threat to the core of our democracy - our right to vote - by shining some much needed light onto the systemic problems that plague our nation's elections and disenfranchise voters: Jim Crow-like voter suppression, voter intimidation, under-voting, provisional balloting, electronic voting, and the privatization of the election process.

For the last three months, Earnhardt has been on a national tour with UNCOUNTED, partnering with local election integrity groups in cities of all sizes, and using the film as a tool to spread the word about the lack of integrity in American elections. The screenings have drawn, on average, 300 people per stop. UNCOUNTED has also been shown at more than 300 house parties in 45 states and, through the website, has sold in 47 states and 16 countries.

"Now is the exact time for the people of Illinois to closely examine the accuracy and effectiveness of the state's election system," says Earnhardt, "The record voter turnout for the primary illustrates an engaged electorate, which is great! But it's important we all remain vigilant about making sure that every vote that is cast, is counted."

In addition to being an searing indictment of our country's election system and a wake-up call for voters and election officials, UNCOUNTED is also the uplifting story of a small group of whistle-blowers determined to do the right thing. These men - computer programmer Clint Curtis, who is directed by his boss to create software that will "flip" votes from one candidate to another; Utah, County Clerk Bruce Funk, who is locked out of his office for raising questions about security flaws in electronic voting machines; and Californian Steve Heller, who gets convicted of a felony after he leaks secret documents detailing illegal activities committed by a major voting machine company - are true patriots who embody what's best about our country.

Howard Zinn, the author of A People's History of the United States, called UNCOUNTED "Powerful and persuasive…" and Robert Koehler, a Syndicated Columnist for Tribune Media Services said the film is "…urgent viewing if you care about democracy and the integrity of the electoral process.”

The Chicago screening of UNCOUNTED is sponsored by WCPT 820AM - Chicago's Progressive Talk, and is co-hosted by the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project and Progressive Democrats of America - two groups that continually fight for the integrity of elections in Illinois.

The screening takes place at 7:00pm, on Tuesday, April 29, at Landmark's Century Centre Cinema, 2828 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL, 60657. Ticket prices are $10.00 general admission.

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