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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Friday, April 18: Protest and Press Conference at ICE offices: Workers Not Criminals!

When: Friday, April 18, 5pm
Where: Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) Offices 101 W. Congress Parkway (SW corner of Congress Parkway and Clark)
Why: In response to nationally coordinated raids conducted by Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) members of the Chicago March 10 Movement have organized an emergency protest at the downtown offices of ICE at 5pm on Friday, April 18.

ICE conducted workplace raids at Pilgrim's Pride chicken plants in five states on Wednesday, April 16th. Outrageously, ICE agents went to workers' homes as well as plants. According to reports, 400 Pilgrim's Pride workers were arrested, 4% of its total workforce of 9,400. Pilgrim's Pride is the nation's largest poultry processor.

Workers at the raided plants in Batesville (Ark.) and Live Oak (Fla.) are members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). The workers at the plant in Chattanooga (Tenn) are members of the Steelworkers.

45 immigrants were arrested at the plant in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. 100 people were arrested at the plant in Chattanooga (Tenn). About 100 immigrants were arrested at the plant in Moorefield (W. Virginia). About 20 workers were arrested at the plant in Batesville (Ark.), and about 26 in Live Oak (Fla.).

ICE also conducted separate raids on April 16th in Houston; western New York; Bradford, Pa; Mentor, Ohio; and Wheeling and New Martinsville, W. Va.

This is a travesty of justice. March 10 members are demanding the immediate release of all the immigrant workers and a moratorium on all workplace raids.

The raids and other forms of repression serve no purpose other than to create fear and terror in immigrant communities across the country.

Activists demand a halt to right-wing hysteria that criminalizes the undocumented depicting them as a threat rather than what they truly represent: hard-workers who have the right to justice and dignity.

On May Day 2008, we will be marching for equal rights for all workers, legalization now!, an immediate end to workplace raids and deportations.

Join us tomorrow and May 1st.
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For more information please contact:

Jorge Mujica: 773.852.8815
Rosi Carrasco: 708.715.7397
Raquel Vega: 708.715.7397
Martin Unzueta: 773.653.3664



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