News :: Prisons
Eric McDavid Update - New Address and Sentencing
Dear friends,
Sentencing has been re-scheduled for May 1st. When re-scheduling the date, Eric's lawyer attempted to set it for April 24, but was unable to do so because Judge England will be getting married next week. In lieu of wedding gifts, we're asking that folks make a small donation to Eric's commissary fund to help his transition to federal prison. When he moves to a federal facility, his commissary account will move with him. If he has money in his account when he arrives, he will be able to purchase the necessities - including money for phone calls to loved ones, vegan food, and writing material. If you would like to make a donation, you can send a check or money order to "Sacramento Defense Fund" at:
PO Box 163126
Sacramento, CA 95816
Please make sure you make it out to "Sacramento Defense Fund." Otherwise we will be unable to deposit it. Be sure to make a note that the funds are intended for Eric's commissary account.
We'll keep you updated about sentencing as things change.
Yesterday Eric was moved to a different floor. His new address is:
McDavid, Eric x-2972521 7E128
Sacramento County Main Jail
651 "I" St.
Sacramento, CA 95814
If you have recently sent Eric a letter or a book, please don't be surprised if it gets sent back. Just put the new address on it and resend! Please keep Eric in your thoughts and continue sending him your love and support.