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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Letter to the President of the Philippines Re; VMMC

We, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), are addressing the Philippine government’s actions affecting our campaign for the Filipino-American Veterans who have fought in World War II and were denied their promised benefits fighting under the American regime.

We commend the Philippine government’s efforts in lobbying for the Filipino Veterans to gain their benefits that they were denied at the end of World War II, especially from Ambassador Willy Gaa and Consul General Mary B. Aragon Seeing this support from our mother country, in addition to the growing support from our fellow Americans of different ethnic heritages, gives us motivation to push forward with this campaign of obtaining the benefits promised to the Filipino WWII Veterans as well as for reunification for their families.
Her Excellency
Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
President of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace,
San Miguel, Manila

April 9, 2008

Madame President:

Dear President Macapagal Arroyo,

Warmest Felicitations and a very respectful greetings.

We, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), are addressing the Philippine government’s actions affecting our campaign for the Filipino-American Veterans who have fought in World War II and were denied their promised benefits fighting under the American regime.

We commend the Philippine government’s efforts in lobbying for the Filipino Veterans to gain their benefits that they were denied at the end of World War II, especially from Ambassador Willy Gaa and Consul General Mary B. Aragon Seeing this support from our mother country, in addition to the growing support from our fellow Americans of different ethnic heritages, gives us motivation to push forward with this campaign of obtaining the benefits promised to the Filipino WWII Veterans as well as for reunification for their families.

However, we are gravely concerned with the government's recent activities of selling federal institutions, especially the National Veterans' Memorial Hospital, to private developers in order to carry out Executive Orders 620 and 620-A, which call for the development of the East and North Triangles and the Veterans' Memorial area of Quezon City. We find it very ironic how our government, who has invested such efforts into our cause, can sell the National Veterans Memorial Hospital – an act that conflicts a stance set from the previous action. This hospital is a gift from the American government, to tend especially to the health needs of the Filipino Veterans.

In the past 62-year battle for equality, the Filipino WWII veterans are closer than ever to their goal. Senator Akaka of Hawaii has proposed a bill (Senate Bill 1315) to give pension and health care benefits to both the Filipino WWII Veterans residing both in American and the Republic of the Philippines. This bill has passed its committee hearing and has garnered enough support from both the Democratic and Republican party to pass a Senate vote, which we would like to happen before the end of this legislative year, before we lose any more of the surviving 20,000 WWII Veterans.

Our campaign efforts alongside with the lobby efforts put forth by Ambassador Gaa and Consul General Aragon will prove to be futile the Government continues with the sale of these Federal institutions, especially Veterans Memorial Hospital.

How can the American government choose to invest about $50 million per year for the Filipino WWII Veterans, when the Philippine government chooses not to prioritize them, indicated with this sale of the National Veterans Memorial Hospital, the American government’s effort to provide the Filipino WWII Veterans?

Not only will our campaign front weaken, but also the general welfare of the Philippine citizens. We understand that this order intends to develop the areas of Quezon City to promote economic growth and stabilization. However, the National Veterans Memorial Hospital, the National Mental Hospital, and the New Bilibids Prison are located in the proposed areas of development, and these institutions serve thousands of Filipino citizens. The sale of these lands along with these institutions implies the displacement of these people.

We ask that you take more consideration on this issue before you finalize the sale of these lands along with the federal institutions of the National Veterans Memorial Hospital, the National Mental Hospital, and the New Bilibids Prison.

We must find a way to build the Philippine economy without putting the people’s welfare at risk, especially our fathers and grandfathers who have risked their lives for our sake.

Very respectfully yours,

Faustino Baclig

Arturo P. Garcia

Cc; Consul General, Los Angeles
Philippine Ambassador to the US



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