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Workshop on Anarchy/Socialism added to Midwest Regional Peace Conference

The Campus Antiwar Network is hosting their Midwest Regional Peace Conference, "Our World, Their War: Building a Student Resistance" in Iowa City, Iowa on April 18-20, and brand-new speakers and workshop information is now available for the first-time.
All Locations on the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City, Iowa are TBA shortly:

Friday, April 18

Evening Meet and Greet/Assign Housing Party, 7:30pm-1am with guest speakers:

Frank Cordaro, a christian anarchist with the Des Moines Catholic Worker and Karen Kubby, director of Iowa City Emma Goldman Clinic and member of U.S. Socialist Party. Kubby was asked by the USA Green Party in 2004 to run for President but declined because she said running the local Emma Goldman clinic was more important.

Saturday, April 19

9:30am - 10:50am Opening Plenary - Why We Say Troops Out Now featuring members of the Campus Antiwar Network and Iraq Veterans Against the War

11:10am - 12:30pm - workshop bloc 1 - The Cost of War, Afghanistan: the "Good" War?, Counter-Recruitment, and Anarchy and Socialism: Building a Radical Coalition Across the Spectrum

12:30pm - 1:30pm - lunch

1:30pm - 2:50pm - workshop bloc 2 - Direct Action in Theory and Practice, Election 2008 featuring Students For Obama, the Government of Iraq: How the U.S. Divides and Conquers, and the Military Industrial Complex

3:10pm - 4:30pm - workshop bloc 3 - Lessons of the 1960s featuring a discussion about the SDS/Weatherman divide by people who were there, Chapter Building, Academics and Scholars in a Time of War, and a movie showing of the the Miami Model

4:50pm - 6:10pm - workshop bloc 4 - the 2008 RNC Protest featuring the RNC Welcoming Committee, Media Skillz, Racism Against Arab and Muslims, and Artivism

6:10pm - 7:00pm - dinner

7:00pm - Evening Plenary - U.S. Aims in the Global War on Terror featuring Ali Abunimah, founder of Electronic Intifada, Norman Finkelstein, Jewish Professor, and Lara Elborno, Palestinian-American and UI student

Sunday, April 20

10:00am - 1:00pm - Future Plans for the Midwest Region/Putting the War on Trial featuring members of the Campus Antiwar Network and Iraq Veterans Against the War

1:00pm - Press Conference & Protest with IVAW, CAN, and SDS banners and flags, marching shoulder to shoulder.

As of now, 12 CAN Chapters, three SDS Chapters, four IVAW chapters, and a plethora of random people from other local and regional organizations will be in attendance. Expect 200-300 people.

Housing is free, but conference-goers are encouraged to bring their own bedding and pillows.

The fee for the conference is $10 on a sliding-scale, with no one denied or refused entry due to a lack of funds.

For more information contact:

David Goodner
Midwest Regional Coordinator
Campus Antiwar Network
david-goodner (at)



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