We are here to tell the DOE and the federal government that we don't want to spend more money on new nuclear weapons or the current popular term WMD or weapons of mass destruction.
To Mr. Ted Wyka,
My name is Jim Toren I am from Amelia Ohio I am writing to you over the Draft Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Complex Transformation at the Y12 facility in Oakridge TN. I attended the public hearings on February 26th but so many people signed up to speak I didn't have a chance to have my objection to go on record.
When I first heard about the public hearing the first thing I heard was "Environmental Impact". My second thought was if you really wanted to know about the environmental impact all you would have to do is walk out behind the New Hope Center and read the signs that have been posted on the barbed wired fence that surrounds the Y12 facility. If you have never been there the signs give a warning to not get close to the water for fear of contamination.
Then I realized that the public hearing on Complex Transformation is just the same old business. Instead of us all coming together to discuss how we go about dismantling our nuclear arsenal, which, by the way, could employ everyone that is currently working at the plant now until retirement age, we talk about our excellence, our greatness, and our need to keep all these businesses functioning in spite of the well documented and quite visible contamination this facility is continuing to create!
We are here to tell the DOE and the federal government that we don't want to spend more money on new nuclear weapons or the current popular term WMD or weapons of mass destruction. Also that spending more money on enhancing the shelf life of our old nuclear arsenal is not acceptable either. If we expect the rest of the world to follow the NPT then we should take the lead ourselves.
I am a father and a grandfather and I would like to think that we can do better than this and leave a legacy of peace and a promise of a better world and not one of war, death and greed.
Thank you for your time,
Jim Toren
Amelia Ohio
Use the above letter as an example and get involved now! Send your view point to the government and tell them to stop the bombs and stop the pollution!
We need thousands of these letters if we are going to make a difference. And we need them now!
The public hearings concerning the Complex Transformation plan to build a new nuclear weapons site at Y12 as well as other places ends on April 10th, 2008. If you want to help stop this dreadful plan then send your comments to one of the following:
Regular mail:
Mr. Ted Wyka, NNSA
Office of Transformation NA-10.1
1000 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
complextransformation (at) nnsa.doe.gov or
fax: 1-703-931-9222
Time is short. If you want to help stop this send them your comments NOW.
Information about this Complex Transformation can be found at:
ffpindy (at) hotmail.com