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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Support Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War

Three days into the sixth year of the occupation of Iraq, six young people challenged the continuation of business as usual at a time of war crimes during Easter Mass at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. This unjust occupation is illegal and criminal, and their call to stop it was correct and moral.

We stand with those who are being vilified and charged with felonies for dramatically staging a die-in while Cardinal George was delivering the homily.

Coming from a variety of religious and non-religious viewpoints, we urge the Archdiocese of Chicago and the State’s Attorney to recognize right from wrong and to drop the charges against the Holy Name Six.
On Easter Sunday, March 23, six young people disrupted mass at the Holy Name Cathedral to protest the sixth year of the Iraq war. As Cardinal George started his homily, six well-dressed young people in the congregation stood up. One loudly said, “The sixth commandment says, 'thou shall not kill.'” George stopped speaking as all eyes turned to the protesters. "Yet more than a million Iraqis have been killed since the invasion of Iraq," said a second protester.

The six were immediately removed from the church, arrested, and held for felony charges of battery and destruction of property. They were released on up to $30,000 bond, and could face up to 5 years in prison.
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To the Archdiocese of Chicago & the State's Attorney:

Three days into the sixth year of the occupation of Iraq, six young people challenged the continuation of business as usual at a time of war crimes during Easter Mass at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. This unjust occupation is illegal and criminal, and their call to stop it was correct and moral.

We stand with those who are being vilified and charged with felonies for dramatically staging a die-in while Cardinal George was delivering the homily.

Coming from a variety of religious and non-religious viewpoints, we urge the Archdiocese of Chicago and the State’s Attorney to recognize right from wrong and to drop the charges against the Holy Name Six.



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