PBS's Charlie Rose interviews "Hypocrite" Pete G.Peterson!
Mr.Rose is similiar to Peter G. Peterson in that he's much more interested in a person's "position" than he is at all in their morality or their lack thereof!
Just a comment on PBS's "Charlie Rose" show of Apr.2,08
Mr.Rose's guest was billionaire Peter G.Peterson of the Blackstone Group and his "purpose" for this interview was to promote his altruistic campaign to rescue America from increasing and debilitating debt by way of encouraging Americans to save more of their money! Anyway his premise seemed reasonable up to that point when he was describing who his peers were including Warren Buffet but when he described "Henry Kissinger" as his "Great Friend" the integrity of
Mr.Peterson and his lofty ideals completely went down the drain!
To knowingly and proudly describe a double dealing,sleazy slimy "war criminal" like Henry Kissinger as your "Great Friend" (Rose never even blinked an eye when Peterson said this!) is such a vicious,unconsionable insult to anyone who knows of Kissinger's murderous history! (Just one damning source is Chris Hitchen's book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger")
I could say that Charlie Rose should know better than to have such a morally depraved person on his program but then again I think Mr.Rose is similar to Peter G. Peterson in that he's much more interested in a person's "position" than he is at all in their morality or their lack thereof!