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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Holy Name 6 Protest to be Showcased on CAN-TV

This Friday, April 4, Kevin Clark will be interviewed on the monthly television program of the Gay Liberation Network. Kevin was an eye witness to the Easter Sunday protest of the Holy Name 6, and is active with the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian rights organization. Following legal advice, the protesters themselves are not speaking publicly regarding the incident.

April 4, 2008
CAN-TV, Channel 21 (Chicago only)
6:30 to 6:55 PM
Three days into the sixth year of the Iraq war and occupation, six young people challenged the continuation of business as usual at a time of war crimes during Easter Mass at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. This unjust occupation is illegal and criminal, and their call to stop it was correct and moral. We stand with those who are being vilified and charged with felonies for dramatically staging a die-in while Cardinal George was delivering the homily.



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