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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Peace : Protest Activity

Holy Name 6 Update: Arraignment at 1 pm, 3/24

The Holy Name 6—arrested during Cardinal George's Easter Mass—will be arraigned at 1 pm this afternoon. They need your support!

A mass of supporters of the Holy Name 6 arrived at Cook County Courthouse at 9 am sharp this morning. We came to show support for our comrades, currently held in jail for letting Cardinal George and hundreds of Chicago Catholics know the time to speak up against the war in Iraq is now!

Last night we were told the arraignment was this morning, but at the courthouse we were told that the arrestees will be arraigned at 1 pm today. We will be there, and if you can, show, we'd love to see you there. More importantly, Ryne, Ephran, Mercedes, Regan, Donte, and Angela will take heart from your presence.*

In the meantime, we need to raise bail money. These brave folks are facing felony charges. They will not be released on their own recognizance; we're going to have to pay their way out. Our best guestimate is in the neighborhood of $30,000.

SO, if you have any cash to spare, please donate to the the Holy Name 6 Defense Fund. If you're in Chicagoland, email us at holyname6 -AT- riseup -DOT- net or call Tim Salemme at (773) 759 - 8399 to arrange a donation. If you'd like to show solidarity from points distant, we've set up a Paypal account here.

More news when we have it, we promise.

*If you do plan to come to the courthouse this afternoon, remember to dress appropriately lest you annoy the judge. Hell, wear your Sunday best!




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