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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Peace

Question: How many cops does it take to unchain a Congressman's office?

CHICAGO — At 8:30 this morning Voices For Creative Nonviolence took the message of anti-war resistance to the doorstep of one of our most notorious pro-war congressmen, Democrat Rahm "the Fixer" Emanuel, bolting themselves to his office door on Irving Park Road.
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A former high official in the Clinton White House, Emanuel parlayed his D.C. connections into a House seat on Chicago's northwest side and is one of D'mare's key congressional allies. Since capturing the House seat, Emanuel's led the battle not just for support of the Iraq war, but slating beligerantly pro-war Democratic candidates in as many districts as he can.
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The Voices action began with members talking and praying about why they were at Emanuel's office, showing pictures of the devastation that his actions have caused the Iraqi people.
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Police soon arrived . . .then more police . . . then more police. Oh yes, and then more police.
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A total of 15 squad cars, many of them careening down the street at high speed with sirens blaring. Plus at least one unmarked car and a squadrol.
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However, though it was a clear day, no helicopters were deployed. The CPD marine unit also sat this one out because the North Branch of the river is over 10 blocks away.
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Did someone remember to order the Donuts?

So what do you do when you gather a bunch of friends in blue around and there's nothin' to do? Stand around. Shoot the shit. Block busy Irving Park Road. Tell observers standing on the sidewalk almost devoid of pedestrians that they're blocking the sidewalk. Say, whaddyathink about the Cubs this year?
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Finally someone came up with the bright idea that maybe what was needed was not more cops, but just one pair of bolt cutters.

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Four arrests were made. No word at this time about the charges.

Word is that at the same time a bevy of cops was helping block Irving Park Road in front of Emanuel's office, a group of direct action anti-war activists were blocking all lanes of Lake Shore Drive at Monroe Street. Maybe the Belmont and Western District could've spared 'em a few traffic cops?



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