Announcement :: Children & Education : Miscellaneous : Women's Issues
The Do a Good Deed Contest 2008
LEMONT & DOWNERS GROVE, IL—Doctors, Mazar Shuaipaj and Xhelo Shuaipaj of Elite Dental Care, are proud to be sponsoring an essay contest that awards and promotes good behavior among children. On May 30th, 2008 the winner will be chosen and awarded a new computer. All youth between the ages of eight and 18 are encouraged to participate.
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The “Do a Good Deed Contest” encourages youth to write about something good they did for another person, what motivated their action, and what happened as a result of their action. The essays can be submitted online at or mailed to Elite Dental Care 15543 127th Street #103, Lemont, IL 60439. Entries are accepted until May 20th, 2008. The prize giving ceremony will take place on or around May 30th, 2008, exact time and location are to be determined.
“It is important that we reward young people’s good deeds.” Dr. Xhelo Shuaipaj stated, “This contest is a way to acknowledge our youth in a positive way.” To view previous winners or for examples of the good deeds that have been rewarded in the past, please visit
Doctors Mazar Shuaipaj and Xhelo Shuaipaj are active in their communities, and participate in many other similar activities such as: food drives, coat drives, candy buybacks at Halloween, and emergency days-where they volunteer their dental services to children in need.
For more information about the Do a Good Deed contest, please contact Grace Rizza at