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10,000 People Protest in Los Angeles, March 15,2008

he March 15 mass protest in Los Angeles on the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war was a huge success.

At least 10,000 people marched to stop the war in Los Angeles in a major outpouring of anti-war support. Thousands more marched in cities across the world. Congratulations to all who came out to voice opposition to war and militarism.

The rally was held infornt of the CNN building in Sunset Blvd.
10,000 People Protest in Los Angeles, March 15,2008

Los Angeles-- The March 15 mass protest in Los Angeles on the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war was a huge success.

At least 10,000 people marched to stop the war in Los Angeles in a major outpouring of anti-war support. Thousands more marched in cities across the world. Congratulations to all who came out to voice opposition to war and militarism.

The rally was held infornt of the CNN building in Sunset Blvd. Join us this Tuesday to keep the anti-war momentum going. Join the Student Campaign to Stop the War. This generation of students are not apathetic. Thousands of the protesters at the March 15 mass march in Los Angeles were students and young workers. All participated out of a profound desire to end the criminal war of aggression against the Iraqi people. Students also want to stop predatory military recruiters from using the economic draft to push working-class youth into the U.S. military. 

Youth & Student ANSWER is joining with many other organizations to make March 19 a day of resistance against the war. The main Los Angeles action will be a protest at the Hollywood military recruitment center on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and La Brea. People of all ages are encouraged to attend. Join us to build a movement against war, racism, bigotry and military recruiters!

Student Campaign to Stop the war initiated by Youth & Student ANSWER. Participating campuses include Archer School for Girls, Azusa Pacific University, Birmingham High School, Burroughs High School, Burbank High School, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Los Angeles, Cal State Northridge, Cerritos Community College, Chaminade High School, Chino High School, El Camino College, El Camino College/Compton Center, Holmes Middle School, Long Beach City College, Los Angeles City College, Loyola Marymount University, Mt. Sac, Mt. St. Mary's College, Moorpark High School, Orange Coast College, Polytechnic High School, Saddleback Community College, San Pedro High School, UCLA, UC Riverside, USC, Valley Alternative Magnet School, Ventura College and at least 30 other schools.

March 15 Stop the War Coalition members and endorsers who joined the MArch 15 action were: Paul Haggis, Academy award-winning director ("Crash," "In the Valley of Elah"); Cynthia McKinney, former Congresswoman and U.S. presidential candidate; Gore Vidal, award-winning author, playwright and activist; Mark Ruffalo, award-winning actor ("Zodiac"); Jackson Browne, legendary musician and songwriter; Ron Kovic, Vietnam veteran, author Born on the 4th of July; Office of the Americas, National Council of Arab Americans, United Teachers Los Angeles, ANSWER Coalition, Coalition for World Peace, Addicted to War, Al-Awda Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, MEChA Central Los Angeles, Latino Movement USA, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, Doctors 4 Peace, Bus Riders Union, CODO Verde/OC Greens, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, Just Peace, American Friends Service Committee, Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Americans for a Department of Peace, ANSWER Ventura County, World Can't Wait, Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, Korean Americans for Peace, Council on American Islamic Relations, Asians for Jericho and Mumia, Kill Radio, Be Love Project for Nonviolent Resistance, Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid, Chicano Forums, Claremont Peace Group, Clothing of the American Mind, Coalition Against Unnecessary Wars, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador-LA, School of the Americas Watch-LA, Committee in Solidarity with the People of Iran, Conspiracy of Thought, Echo Park Community Coalition, Comite Pro-Democracia en Mexico, Ecumenical Fellowship for Justice and Peace, First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles, San Pedro Neighbors for Peace and Justice, KmB Pro-People Youth, Free Iraq Now, Free Palestine Alliance, GABRIELA Network, Global Women’s Strike, International Socialist Organization, Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance, Laguna Beach Peace Vigil, Women in Black, Bus Riders Union, Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross Federation, Katrina Survivors Network, Muslim Students Association-West, National Lawyers Guild, L.A., Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress, Palisadians for Peace, Muslim American Society, Palestinian American Women’s Association, Patrick Henry Democratic Club of America, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Peace and Freedom Party, Peace and Justice Center of Pomona Valley, Peace Bakersfield, Radical Teen Cheer, Riverside Area Peace and Justice Action, Southern California Leadership Conference of Greater Los Angeles, Topanga Peace Alliance, Pomona College Student of Color Alliance, Youth & Student ANSWER and over 100 others.



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