We need to Implement the directives of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to end the Bush Doctrine of refurbishing our nuclear arsenal to support plans for wars of aggression around the world.
We need to act now. We need to demand our government stand by its treaty obligations. We need our country to lead the way to end the nuclear arms threat. It's this simple folks. Write them, email them, fax them! Tell them to stop it. You can do it and it can work. And get your family and friends to do the same. The following is a letter that has been sent.
Dear Mr. Wyka,
I attended the public hearing on the Draft SPEIS in Oak Ridge the other day, but had to leave before my name was called to give my comment, so I am submitting it at this time. I am opposed to the three options laid out in the Draft SPEIS and support the No Production Alternative presented by OREPA. I would much rather live in a world where the U. S. joins with the desires of most of the rest of the world that we dismantle our stockpile of nuclear weapons and begin to implement the directives of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty than to continue the Bush Doctrine of refurbishing our nuclear arsenal to support plans for wars of aggression around the world.
I would also like to comment on the strategy of locating these hearings in areas where there is a large population who make their living supporting the nuclear weapons industry. This decision-making process is part of the larger democratic process and should involve the entire population. By placing the hearings in communities with an overwhelming number of natural allies who have vested monetary or career interests in nuclear weapons production, you inevitably get a warped sense of what the public thinks. It was very clear at the part of the hearing I was able to attend that every person who spoke in favor of the Draft SPEIS had selfish interests in doing so, and that it was the people who spoke in opposition who had come because of convictions. I don't doubt that there are people who support your plans who don't have vested interest in the outcome, but I didn't hear any at the hearing.
I hope you will give the No Production Alternative the consideration it deserves. These decisions are too large for us, our children, and the rest of the world to not consider every viable alternative.
Jon Blickenstaff
FootPrints for Peace
We need thousands of these letters if we are going to make a difference. And we need them now!
The public hearings concerning the Complex Transformation plan to build a new nuclear weapons site at Y12 as well as other places ends on April 10th, 2008. If you want to help stop this dreadful plan then send your comments to one of the following:
Regular mail:
Mr. Ted Wyka, NNSA
Office of Transformation NA-10.1
1000 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
complextransformation (at) nnsa.doe.gov or
fax: 1-703-931-9222
Time is short. If you want to help stop this send them your comments NOW.
Information about this Complex Transformation can be found at:
ffpindy (at) hotmail.com