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Protestors Halt Building Works near Hill of Tara threaten Irish National Monument

From the Tara Foundation: These are two statements released by the Save Tara Campaign on behalf of the Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp outlining the emergency situation at the Rath Lugh National Monument near the Hill of Tara:
Statement on behalf of the Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp: 7th March 2008 (For direct contacts see phone numbers below) Rath Lugh Monument near the Hill of Tara under direct threat from M3 Motorway building works. “The Protectors at Rath Lugh have planned a Direct Action method used for the first time on protest sites in Ireland. They have dug a tunnel under the route of the M3 directly in front of the Rath Lugh promontory fort in the Gabhra Valley, Co Meath in Ireland. The Protectors intend to occupy this tunnel and seal themselves inside indefinitely to prevent construction traffic from passing overhead. They are laying their very lives on the line to protect and preserve Tara's landscape from the destruction wrought by their own Government. The Protectors said: "We want to draw attention to the continued erosion of the esker by passing construction traffic, hence damaging the base and foundation of the Rath." This is a continuation of their non-violent direct action. The tunnel acts like a souterrain giving the occupant protection and making it very difficult for the enemy to enter.” Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp For further information ring Derek on +353 86-845 9279 or Lou on 086- 3600478 http://www.tarapixi Link to the video of events 5-6 March at Rath Lugh, Lismullin, Co Meath http://www.livevide 4819A5371FDA46BA B4A42CA1D60B2A1F /rathl ugh-down-under. aspx?m_tkc= 11224420 Update: Press Release - Save Tara campaign: 09 Mar 2008 M3 Protesters warn Gardai tunnel 'Will Collapse' “A young woman has vowed to seal herself into the tunnel under the proposed route of the M3 near the Hill of Tara in Co. Meath. Protesters were today frantically trying to communicate to the Gardai, the fragile nature of the soil in the Rath Lugh area, and that any movement of heavy machinery in the vicinity of the Rath will collapse the tunnel, with possible fatal consequences. Minister Gormley issued a permanent protection order on the Monument last week. However, neither the Department of the Environment nor the Land Registry have been able to supply detailed maps of the protected zone. Protesters claim that the ongoing site works associated with construction of the M3 Motorway are endangering the stability of the esker upon which Rath Lugh is built. The Gardai were today asked by senior figures in the Save Tara campaign, to do all they could to protect the welfare of the young female protester, and in no circumstances allow the NRA or any of their contractors move heavy machinery in the vicinity. 'Any eviction attempt by unqualified and inexperienced personnel is likely to end in failure, with possible catastrophic consequences. There are specialist tunnel rescue crews that need to be consulted before any attempt is made to end this protest.' Claimed Michael Canney today.” For further information please contact; Dr. Muireann Ni Bhrolchain of the Save Tara Campaign: +353 87-9249510 From the Rath Lugh Camp Website: “The Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp is situated two and a half kilometres from the Hill of Tara, on the Front Line of the proposed M3 between Lismullen and Baronstown. We are a diverse and international group of activists working together in a non-hierarchal way with the aim of putting a stop to the proposed M3. Currently we are hoping to obtain Gaeltacht Status, as Irish is spoken and taught in the camp on a daily basis…… …We participate in Non Violent Direct Action tactics in order to halt the ongoing destruction of the Tara complex. The camp works with an emphasis on the preservation of our heritage and our culture predating Christianity for future generations to appreciate and learn from. This involves blockading the key routes, hence stopping as much machinery and construction as possible on the sites… …Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp welcomes all friends of Tara. We need people urgently to halt the Valley's destruction. Everyone has a skill or talent they can lend to this protest. Bring wellies, raingear, sleeping bags, torch, lighter, plenty of warm clothing, and good spirits. The protest is only going to get stronger, we will continue to oppose the motorway until it is moved, so come to Rath Lugh as quickly as you can. WE NEED YOU ALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Tara is calling, don't ignore the call.” On March 1st, Dr Jonathan Foyle, British chief executive of the World Monuments Fund, which placed Tara on its endangered sites list last year, likened the M3 motorway near the Hill of Tara to the destruction by Afghanistan's Taliban regime in 2001 of the Bamiyan Buddhas. Sources: Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp Website: Save Tara: With Thanks to the Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp and the Save Tara Campaign. The Tara Foundation:



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