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News :: Prisons

Eric McDavid Update - 3.7.08

Dear friends,

Here are some quick updates on Eric's case and what you can do to support him...

Hearing on Judgment of Acquittal and New Trial Motions

Yesterday Eric finally had his hearing on the motion for judgment of acquittal and the motion for a new trial. These motions were heard by the same judge who presided over Eric's trial, which was fraught with errors and improper rulings and instructions. Not surprisingly, both of Eric's motions were denied.


Eric's sentencing has been rescheduled for April 3 at 9 am. We realize this date has been moved time and time again, but we are still asking for folks to come show their support for Eric in the courtroom on this day. The government is still asking for the outrageous sentence of 20 years, and this could be a very difficult day for Eric and his loved ones.


Some of you may have noticed that we recently removed the PayPal function from Eric's website. In late January we received an email from PayPal informing us that our account had been "limited". The "limit" on the account makes it completely impossible for us to transfer funds that people have donated from PayPal to our bank account. After numerous phone calls, we still cannot get anyone from PayPal to give us any real information about WHY our account has been limited. At this time, we are asking that people discontinue using PayPal to donate to Eric's defense fund (or, even better, discontinue using it at all...).

SO... If you would like to donate to Eric's defense/support fund, you can send a check or money order made out to Sacramento Defense Fund to the following address:

PO Box 163126
Sacramento, CA 95816

Again, please make sure it's made out to Sacramento Defense Fund. Otherwise we will be unable to deposit it.

For those of you who have made donations through PayPal in the last two months, please don't despair! Your money will be refunded soon. If you would still like to send a donation, please do so through the address above.

Your Support Still Needed!

Please continue sending Eric your letters, your poetry, your thoughts, your love. This time of year can be especially difficult and painful for those who are locked in cages. As spring approaches and the days grow warmer and more inviting, the absence of the grass under one's toes or the sunlight on one's face can be felt ever more intensely. Please keep them in heart and mind as you move through your days.

For more information on writing Eric, you can visit his website at




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