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News :: Environment

NOAA's public disservice

NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) has had easy access to more than 100 years of their daily temperature data at 1000s of climate stations in the US.
NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) has had easy access to more than 100 years of their daily temperature data at 1000s of climate stations in the US.
The temperature data at climate stations shows strong warming trends in recent decades in the Upper Midwest (2-4 deg F increase), Northern Great Plains (3-5 deg F increase) and Northern Rocky Mountains (3-5 deg F increase).

NWS directors, supervisors and staffs at 124 NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) in the US have said that evaluating climate change is not part of their NWS mission. However, regional climate change in large parts of the US has been going on for decades.

The NWS WFOs, NWS Regional offices and NWS River Forecast Centers (RFCs) have been ignoring climate change but in their modeling and forecasting of weather and rivers.

NWS directors and supervisors at WFOs and RFCs have said that considering climate change is not part of their job in weather, climate and hydrology.

NWS has a Climate Prediction Center (CPC) but the NWS CPC office does not consider climate change. NWS CPC issues 30, 90 days, 6 and 12 month outooks.

NOAA's NWS has not acknowledged that climate change has been happening - a great disservice to the public and the environment in preparedness and public education.

Temperature plot: Midwest, Northern Great Plains, Northern Rocky Mountains region:



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