Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

March 20th: Shut It Down!

The following “Call to Action on March 20” was received without a return address in the ISM-Chicago mail box on February 25. The original typed statement and envelope have been shredded in order to protect the authors. While the Chicago chapter of the International Solidarity Movement does not advocate any illegal actions, we are forwarding it to others as a public service…
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Chicago Call to Action on March 20


On Thursday, March 20, the Chicago Action Community, is calling for a day of
nonviolent direct action to mark the 5th anniversary of the current U.S. invasion of
Iraq. We call upon all progressive forces to join us in a day of direct action,
civil resistance and disruption. We encourage you to “think outside the box” in
choosing your targets and making your plans.

We envision a day of decentralized, multi-target direct actions against war
profiteers, government offices and Presidential campaign offices. It is time to
bring the war home to the political and economic elites that control the U.S. war

We ask that you:

*Take the day off work, organize a walkout at your school, get together with a group
of trusted friends and take action against the war!

*If doing a direct action isn’t an option for whatever reason, there are other
important roles you can play on March 20. Some of these include jail solidarity,
press work, guerilla theater and fundraising for those that may be arrested.

*We encourage all affinity groups and organizations planning a direct action to
coordinate the times of your actions in a spokescouncil meeting prior to March 19.
This will facilitate media outreach, jail solidarity and assure that another group
is not planning an action at the same location.

*We urge all groups to follow the guidelines of security culture when planning your
direct actions.

For more information please see:

*We support blockade/occupation of appropriate buildings and offices.

*We support guerilla theater on mass transit and inside shopping malls to remind
citizens that while Presidential candidates posture on the war---Iraqi civilians and
U.S. troops continue to die.

*We support banner drops over local expressways and from downtown office buildings.

*Finally, we call upon everyone to attend the convergence scheduled for Federal
Plaza at 5PM on March 20 for reports on activities that took place earlier in the
day. The organizers of the convergence have secured a permit for this event.

Chicago has no shortage of worthy targets for creative nonviolent direct action and
we have faith that you’ll be able to find one to make the focus of your attention on
March 20.

-- Chicago Action Community



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