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Steele: Why the RCP Can’t Lead a Revolution

I’ve been associated with the RCP, often closely, over a 25 year period, ending about two years ago. I helped work on the 9 Letters with Mike Ely. While the RCP public Orientation charges the 9 Letters with vague “distortions,” I can say, from my own experience, that the Letters’ description of the RCP’s line and analysis is carefully accurate.

Steele: Why the RCP Can’t Lead a Revolution

By John Steele

I've been associated with the RCP, often closely, over a 25 year period, ending about two years ago. I helped work on the 9 Letters with Mike Ely. While the RCP public Orientation charges the 9 Letters with vague "distortions," I can say, from my own experience, that the Letters' description of the RCP’s line and analysis is carefully accurate.

I thought it might contribute to the discussion to post some of what I wrote in making my own break from the party orbit in the spring of '06. I got essentially no reply of any substance to the critical work I am posting here. I was instead told two things (almost in passing): That I was wrong to imply that the Party was demanding "unquestioning" recognition of Avakian, and that my differences would lead me to turn my back on the revolution.

I removed any passages on internal party functioning and made some clarifying edits (mostly questions of party jargon).read article




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