On March 19, 2008, the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Direct Action to Stop the War - the same group that organized the shutdown of the SF financial district on March 20, 2003 - will be organizing a day of decentralized, multiple-target direct action against government offices and war profiteers in downtown San Francisco.
We will be blockading San Francisco offices of federal agencies, corporations with military contracts or contracts in Iraq, politicians who have failed to stop the war, and foreign embassies of countries linked to the war in Iraq. We are focusing primarily on corporations with military or Iraqi contracts, because we want to focus attention on the prominent role played by war-profiteering corporations in the U.S. occupation of Iraq. We will take direct action on March 19th against as many of these locations as possible, in order to send a clear message to the economic and political elites that control this country: No business as usual until all U.S. troops are withdrawn from Iraq!
We’re asking that you:
• Take the day off work or school, get together with a group of friends, and come out to Market & Sansome on March 19th!
• If you’re interested in getting more involved, we’d encourage you to get together with a group of your friends, and plan a direct action against a government or corporate office on March 19th - or to come to our next general DASW meeting (see
www.actagainswar for details), and plug into an existing action.
• If doing a direct action isn’t your cup of tea, there are many, many other vital roles you can play in this action. Please come to our next organizing meeting and plug in (see above, or check
If you decide to plan an action at a corporate or government office, we’d encourage you to come to the next DASW general organizing meeting (see above, or check
www.actagainstwar.net) and announce what action you’re planning on doing. But if you don’t feel comfortable announcing your action at our meeting, please contact Adrian (
adrianw (at) riseup.net) and tell him where and when your action will take place (so that he can let you know if someone else is planning on doing an action at that same location); anything you tell him will be strictly confidential. We’ve put together a menu of potential action locations; you can download that menu at
Here’s some suggestions of what kinds of actions you could do at a corporate or government office (and, of course, you could always do more than one):
• *Blockade the entrance to the building.* (If you feel up to it, we’d strongly encourage you to try to do a blockade/occupation of some sort, and we’d be glad to help you out with planning and logistics. Email the March 19th working group at
dasw.march19th (at) gmail.com to learn more.)
• Occupy their office by handcuffing yourselves to desks or doorways.
• Do a sit-in or die-in in their office.
• Do creative and attention-grabbing street theater outside, educating people about what that company is doing (we can help you do research on the company).
• Hang a banner from their building (again, we can help you out with that).
• Try to get into the company’s office and do something creative (present a mock award, deliver a coffin, hold an impromptu “dance party for peace”…).
Or, you could do an action that isn’t specific to any single location - like altering billboards, or forming a roving bike brigade that pelts corporate offices with rotten vegetables, or anything else you can come up with! Basically, we would encourage you to be creative, come up with an anti-war action that excites you and your group, and then do it! And we’re here to support you in any way we can. Email us at
dasw.march19th (at) gmail.com if you need any specific support, or have any questions.
Finally, if you’re thinking about organizing an action on March 19th, we’d encourage you to contact the March 19th working group (
dasw.march19th (at) gmail.com), so that you can get plugged in, and so that we can better support you in creating your action.
We’ll see you in the streets!
Direct Action to Stop the War
(510) 984-2566
actagainstwar (at) riseup.net