LOCAL News :: Environment
Failures on flood prediction and climate change: a cover-up by NWS exposed
Chicago runoff flows into the Illinois River upstream of La Salle, IL. The Illinois River waters enter the Mississippi River near Grafton, IL.
National Weather Service (NWS) river forecasters and supervisors have NOT learned critical lessons from past flood disasters.
NOAA NWS changed its forecasting methods after flood disasters in Grand Forks and New Orleans.
"Our science, modeling and communication are better," ... "We learned a lot in 1997", according to the Hydrologist In Charge (HIC) at the NWS North Central River Forecast Center (NCRFC). * This Apr. 2007 quotation reference is at a Newsvine article, link below.
The statements in 2007 by NWS officials were dishonest. I was a senior hydrologist at the NWS NCRFC, located in Chanhassen MN, in 1997 - when Grand Forks ND flooded and burned.
Statements by NWS officials following the flood in 1997, and continuing to present, have been intended to protect the reputation of the agency and it's budgets while misinforming the public on the real reasons for the failed flood predictions by NWS in 1997.
The failure to predict the flood in 1997 was due to poor NWS management of staff resources at NCRFC. My experience and advise to management on the 1997 flood, as a senior hydrologist at NWS NCRFC, were ignored. As a result, the public was caught off-guard by the flooding and a NWS cover-up of it's failures in hydrologic modeling and flood prediction began - which continues to the present.
In a more serious breach of duty and responsibility, NOAA NWS supervisors have been withholding of information and dishonest to the public on climate change and hydrology in the Upper Midwest and global warming - for many many years!
1. Cover-up by NWS on failure to predict flood
2. Refusal by NWS to provide education on climate change and hydrologic change
... "On March 23, 2005, you disrupted the Situational Awareness Training Meeting session"... When I told you that I would not answer your question regarding 1997" ...
... "On May 6, 2004, you said I was not doing my job, because I should be educating the general public about the issues concerning climate change. I told you that when your boss tells you not to do something you do not do it." ...
From NWS NCRFC memorandum dated April 14, 2005:
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Memorandum For: Patrick J. Neuman
Hydrologist, NCRFC, Chanhassen, MN
FROM: Daniel R. Luna
Hydrologist in Charge, NCRFC, Chanhassen, MN
Subject: Proposal to Remove
Who might be able to help stop these injustices by federal agencies and how might someone go about doing that?