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Third Annual Chiditarod Shopping Cart Race in Chicago

The Third Annual Chiditarod
The most epicly awesome shopping cart race in Chicago, period.March 1st, 2008


Hear ye! Hear ye! Distribute far and wide. The THIRD Annual Chiditarod draws near.

What is it?

The Chiditarod is Chicago's very own Urban Iditarod. The original Iditarod is an annual dogsled race that begins on March 1st, in Alaska. The Chiditarod is an artistic spin on this yearly event; instead of dogs, we have costumed humans. Instead of the Alaskan tundra, we will race through the cold Chicago streets. And instead of sleds, teams compete for glory using tricked out shopping carts.

When is it?

The race is on Saturday, March 1st, 2008. Registration starts at 10 am and ends at 12 pm. The race begins at 12:30 pm. The race will last as long as you do, but if you want to see the awards ceremony, you should try to stumble across the finish line by 4:30.

Where is it?

The roughly 4 mile race begins at the Southwest corner of Damen and Shakespeare (Map - **) at 12:30 pm SHARP. Racers will trek through the Wicker Park / Bucktown / Ukrainian Village neighborhoods. There will be a few checkpoints, most of which are bars
so please note that you must be 21 or up to enter the checkpoints.

Where should I watch the race?

Wait! Why do you want to watch?? PARTICIPATE INSTEAD!! But if you're set on watching, since the location of the checkpoints remains a surprise up until the day before the race, we can't really tell you exactly where to watch. Check the website the day before to find the finish line. We will say this, however. The race will be contained by:

* Webster on the North
* Lake on the South
* Racine on the East
* Leavitt on the West

Why should I do this?

Because it's the most fun thing you'll do all winter. The 06 & 07 races were met with overwhelmingly positive response from the community, participants, checkpoints, press, and the recipients of over 1 METRIC TON of collected food. In 2007 we had 34 teams of 5 finish the race, and we are expecting even more this year. Feeling the first onset of cabin fever? Ready to break the monotony of Chicago winter? In addition to getting people out of the house on a Saturday in March for a bit of merriment and exercise, it provides an opportunity to stretch your creative muscles - creativity is an essential ingredient for this event. In addition to cash prizes for 1st and 2nd place there is a substantial prize for "best in show". There are also prizes for best cart A/V system, bling, wipeout, SABOTAGE, and more. The race is also its own ridiculous street theater, via interactions with spectators, checkpoint patrons, and the wonderful cheerful people of Chicago, from beginning to end and everywhere in between. Photographers and camera crews will record the event, so be on your best and worst behavior, and bring your toys. Lastly, the race will bring together many different Chicago communities including cyclists, artists, activists, students, children, burners, adults, business folk, and everyone in-between.

Any other reasons?

In addition, and perhaps most importantly, the Chiditarod aims to give back to the communities that share its route by collecting food for local food banks. The Chiditarod was the first urban Iditarod to make the event a food drive. Each team is required to end the race with at least 25 POUNDS of non-perishable food in their cart.

This food will then be donated to local organizations. Oh, and yes - there IS a cash prize for most food collected and BEST FOOD PRESENTATION at the finish line, too. Last year the Chiditarod raised over 1 metric ton of food. This year the goal is TWO TONS of food!!

What's next?

Build your team of 5 racers. Get a cart. Chop it up. Trick it out. Start saving that $25 entry fee. Forward to your friends and enemies.

The latest rules, information, prize lists, and registration can be found on the Chiditarod website:

Keep your eye on the website, as we'll be making frequent updates over the next month.
Wait - I want to volunteer!

Awesome. We can use all the help we can get. If you want to volunteer, please use the volunteer sign up form located on the website.

Prepare for glory! See you on race day!




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