Discuss the article "Celebrate Darwin Day" in Revolution newspaper and the Introduction to the book “The Science of Evolution and The Myth of Creationism… Knowing What's Real—and Why It Matters,” by Ardea Skybreak.
Discussion led by Revolution newspaper correspondent Alan Goodman.
Revolution Books, 1103 N. Ashland Avenue, 773-489-0930, revbookschi@yahoo.com.
“Celebrate Darwin Day” is available online at http://revcom.us/a/119/darwin-day-en.html
The introduction to “ The Science of Evolution…. ”, and the entire book in PDF format, are available at http://revcom.us/a/119/skybreak-en.html. The book is available at amazon.com and at Revolution Books.
“It is no exaggeration to say that this world would be a much more terrible and impoverished place—in every dimension. There would be no modern medicine—no way to know that we could use tissue from animals sharing a common ancestry to fix a failing human heart valve. No chance to stop infections that evolve and grow resistant to treatments, or discover cures for viruses like AIDS. Moreover, we’d be deprived of the wonderment and exhilaration from learning how the natural world actually works. Conversely, because Darwin did make this contribution, his work also served to strengthen the scientific method and its role in modern society. And that is very important.” - from “Celebrate Darwin Day"
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