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Magistrate connected to bingo bringeths censorship to get revenge against Paraná State´s governor.

The maneuver worked: "Exactly on June the18th, 2001, the case was removed from the list of trials. On July 2, due to the internal changes in court, the case was redistributed, "falling in the hands of another judge.
Magistrate connected to bingo bringeths censorship to get revenge against Paraná State´s governor.

In August 2003, the federal judge Edgar Lippmann Junior suspended first instance decision of Federal Justice that had prohibited the operation of bingos in Londrina, Paraná States´s second city. With the decision made by Lippmann, returned to work the bingos operated by companies Golden Place Electronic Bingo, Royalthon Promotions and Entertainment and London Café Bingo. According to the note published to the website of the Federal Regional Court of the 4 th Region, in its order Lippmann said he couldn´t justify that in the vast majority of states of the federation the operation of bingos was allowed, but in the specific case of Paraná, it wasn´t.

In December of that same year, the government of Parana was forced to join with appeal to the STF (Supreme federal Court), requesting the suspension of two of Lippmann decisions in favour of bingos. The magistrate had allowed the reopening of Bingo Quintino at Londrina, and of luxurious bingo Village-Monte Carlo, at Curitiba. According to the magistrate, the operation of bingos did not constitute contravention. As shown by the government of Parana, since 2000, with the approval of the Act 9981 (Act Maguito), the operation of bingos was, yes, contravention. The decisions of Lippmann were downed by the President of STF, Minister Mauricio Correa.

In the following year, in May, Lippmann granted another decision in favour of bingo Monte Carlo and of the company Village Batel, to continue to operate. In July, the magistrates of the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Region decided that the case could only be tried by the full court and not only by judge Edgar Lippmann Junior ( Newspaper "Folha de Londrina," 29/07/2004).

Strangely, in similar cases, the judge denied decisions to reopen, bingos - in the case of the Bingo Palace Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul and in the case of Village Batel, according to the newspaper "Folha de Londrina," the judge downed a decision that allowed the operation of these bingos in March. In May, after appeal of the lawyer of the company, Lippmann allowed bingo Monte Carlo to open again..

Besides the decision for the reopening of the bingos, the Magistrate Edgar Lippmann Junior is the target of an investigation of the Federal Police, according to content published to newspaper Correio Braziliense, edition of 17/07/2004, for having benefited "a friend to postpone a trial in the court he integrates "at Foz do Iguacu (PR).

"Lippmann was catch at a compromising recorded telephone conversation on June the 11th, 2001, with the delegate of the Federal Police Wilson Alfredo Perpetuo," informs the the journalist Thiago Vitale Jayme. The delegate "faced Justice for the crime of smuggling of whisky" and had been denounced in previous proceedings for crimes of corruption of public official and concussion. The rapporteur of the case in the TRF of the 4 th Region would be magistrate Jose Luiz Borges Germano, who had voted against Perpetuo in the process, and was "known in the corridors of TRF for the accuracy."

The delegate Perpetuo wanted to take the process of the hands of magistrate. Lippmann, then, the defendant says, "ask your lawyer to get a medical certificate" in order to postpone the session.

"It was planned at the time, a change in the internal TRF sessions of the 4 th Region. One of the classes was responsible for judging cases relating to taxation and criminal matters. This working group would be divided. And all processes would be redistributed to new judges. With this mixture of cases, the case of Perpetual change of hands and would be taken from the sieve of judge Germano. "

Below, the telephone conversation between magistrate Edgar Lippmann and delegate Wilson Perpetuo, recorded with judicial authorization by the Federal Police:

Perpetuo - I'm asking you as a friend. If you can help me in this business. Because, shit, Lippmann, it´s a disgusting matter.

Lippmann - What will be tried there?

Perpetuo – The whisky business, the business of the exchange of Carimã.

Lippmann - I know.

Perpetual - Do you understand?

Lippmann - I say one thing ... There will be a change.

Perpetuo - So, I wanted this trial to be postponed. What do you think?

Lippmann – That´s it, Perpetuo. Is Osmann your lawyer?

Perpetual – Yes, he is.

Lippmann - He could do the following ...He gives a certificate…

Perpetual - What?

Lippmann - Gives a certificate. Saying he could not come to the session. He is in the case, isn´t he?

Perpetual – Yes.

Lippmann - What happens is the following: from the second half ... Today we have three sessions: the first is that tax and crime. And from this second half, the tax will be only tax and crime only crime. And the processes of them, both Amir and Germano, as the criminal, will be redistributed.

The maneuver worked: "Exactly on June the18th, 2001, the case was removed from the list of trials. On July 2, due to the internal changes in court, the case was redistributed, "falling in the hands of another judge.

But five days after the proceedings have been taken from the TRF, the friend of Lippmann was arrested when it was triggered Operation Lynx, PF: "Federal Police suspicts of the involvement of Perpetuo in theft of cargo , adulteration of fuel and tax fraud. "

Contents of the newspaper Hora do Povo of January the 23 th, 2008 - 2635 Edition



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