Resolution on the subprime mortgage crisis and the present stage of the decay of capitalism
(Unanimously adopted)
General Council of the IVth International
December 14-16, 2007
Fin Subprimes GB.doc (61 k)
The sub-prime crisis is a new major episode of the decaying process of the capitalist regime based on the private ownership of the means of production. This stage brings all the contradictions of the capitalist system to an unprecedented level. More than ever, the option Socialism or barbarism takes the shape of the collision between the march to barbarism already engaged by the decaying capitalist regime and the exploited and oppressed masses seeking, through their class struggle, the ways and means of resistance, not only to save themselves as a class, but through this process to save the whole of humankind. Clearly, the capitalist regime based on the private ownership of the means of production is now marked by the generalization of what Marx in The German Ideology described as a tendency emerging at the time and then chronic when capitalism gathered speed and which has become its general tendency: There comes a stage when new productive forces and means of circulation are born which can only be noxious in the framework of the existing relations and are no longer productive forces, but destructive forces (mechanization and money) This fact is linked to the preceding one in which a new class is born which shoulders all the burden of society, without enjoying any advantages, and which is excluded from society.
1) The sub-prime crisis burst out in the USA, in the middle of August 2007. Day by day it has been spreading to the whole world economic system. This crisis confirms the analysis that was made just one year ago by the 4th International, at its 6th World Congress. The Resolution on the world situation and the tasks of the 4th International (1) summed up the major characteristics of the world economic crisis as follows:
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