LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Globalization : International Relations : Protest Activity
Smash I-69 Meeting Monday 1/28!
Meeting at 7 to discuss documentary, awareness, strategy.
This year (possibly sooner than we thought) construction begins on I-69 in Indiana. Hundreds of acres of wetland will be ruined, hundreds of
farm families will be evicted from their homes and livelihoods, and tens of thousands more trucks and cars every day will spew fossil fuel emissions. The forces of global capitalism will be one step closer to realizing the dream of a hemisphere united for free trade at the expense of workers and watersheds. Next year, I-69 will creep one stretch closer to the nightmare of the "NAFTA Superhighway."
Unless we can stop it... and we can stop it! Indiana does not have the money to complete the project. Local opposition is strong. Next spring
the barricades will start going up.
These are our neighbors, this is our regional economy, this is our bioregion.
This is an important meeting to attend if you are interested in this project! Please be there!
Meeting Monday, January 28th at 7pm, e-mail uachicago (at) riseup.net for location.