Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Gender & Sexuality

Sat., Feb 2nd -- Equal Rights for Lesbians and Gays -- HOLD THE CANDIDATES ACCOUNTABLE!!

The Republican presidential candidates are predictably anti-gay as they appeal to their party's religious base. No surprises there!

But what about the Democratic candidates? Do their promises of "hope" and "change" mean they favor legal equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans people?
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Sure, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards all pretend to support equal marriage rights for same sex couples in the form of civil unions. Never mind the fact that civil unions exclude us from some 1,138 rights in federal law that are only available to married couples. Never mind that civil union "separate but equal" arrangements for gays are inherently un-equal.

Each candidate knows the difference between civil unions and equal marriage rights (Obama is a former constitutional law professor!). But they play ignorant and refuse to endorse equal marriage rights, never straying from carefully scripted, poll-tested responses . . . and they prefer that we "shut up" about their failure to truly support equality.

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So it is not enough to oppose the open Republican bigots like Huckabee and McCain. Closet bigots like these Democratic frontrunners must have their feet held to the fire, too.

Help us celebrate Marriage Equality Day this year on Saturday, February 2nd, (three days before the Illinois primaries) by protesting at the Cook County Marriage Bureau and then marching to a few campaign offices to demand that their candidates support the same rights for same-sex couples as others enjoy.

11 AM
Saturday, February 2nd

Three days before the Illinois primary

Assemble in front of the Cook County Marriage License Bureau
118 N. Clark Street, Chicago
(across the street from Daley Plaza)

Downloadable flyers and posters are below.
Flyer, ver. 1.pdf (758 k)
8-1/2" x 11" flyer
Poster, ver. 1.pdf (1199 k)
11" x 17" poster



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