Society for Amateur Scientists
I wonder if the Society for Amateur Scientists listens to anybody without e-mail.
When the Society for Amateur Scientists first started out in the 1990's they had a column in Scientific American, a mailing address and you could pay for membership by check. As it stands now the Society for Amateur Scientists insists thay you pay by credit card and you have an e-mail address. I don't have an e-mail address and I'm perfectly happy without one. I wrote a letter to the Society for Amateur Scientists two times last summer. I asked them are you required to have an e-mail address if you want to join their society. I have never received a reply to my letters. If I can access their Internet site and view their newsletter for free then why do I need an e-mail address? You can also access and contribute to their citizen scientist site if you are a member and you don't need an e-mail address. They might say that e-mail is cheap to produce and is extremely popular. I wonder how many people read more e-mail than print media such as books or magazines? How many e-books did you read last year? Do you remember the computer industry promise of a paperless office? I know they will never go back to a paper newsletter. What I value in a society is membership not how I receive news even though I prefer newsletters and magazines in paper format. I subscribe to a science magazine and I receive a art newsletter and a art magazine. Does anybody recall in the 1990'a the promise that the Internet industry ( with e-mail and internet site ) would dominate over brick and mortar stores? The way to succeed in business today is to have an e-mail address, mail address, phone number and to advertise on the internet, TV, radio, and print media. Wal Mart does this but to many internet businesses and societies do not now and will never do this.