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Obama and Libermann's love fest

Just how far does Obama's loyalty for Libermann? Why isn't anyone asking these questions? I want to know, do you?
My total focus is upon the relationship between Libermann and Obama. Why did Obama cross party lines to back Libermann? Imagine if Ned Lemont were in office. Obama has his hands all over that war whore. Let's remember that Bush singled out Libermann and gave him the "Soprano" kiss. Bush in front of the world embraced Libermann; never again did he do that. Very mob; Godfather comes to mind. McCain is Libermann's choice; once again over party lines. And what is McCain saying today? That he would invade Iran today if he were president; and Libermann stands there like a bogging head in the back of a car window. Obama is in part responsible for this monster.

Obama followers had better think long and hard over this. I want to hear from Obama why he crossed party lines and back this traitor. I want to hear from Obama his opinion of Libermann; I want discussion. Why should Libermann be allowed to attend our parties Senate meetings? Can we trust Obama to keep information from Libermann for the good of our party? How far does his loyalty go? It certainly wasn't our party when he was called upon to vote. He chose Libermann. Think!

I have never in my life felt so dead set against a Democrat running for president. He has so much to answer for; I don't need a rock star for a president; I need a forward thinker. Obama is not a Rhode Scholar as Bill Clinton is. It would be different IF (look up if; it is a powerful word)he were, he is not. He talks a good talk.



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