Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Crash the Republican National Convention!

This Tuesday, January 4th, Unconventional Action Chicago will be holding its second general meeting.
Unconventional Action Chicago (UA) is a group of Anti-Authoritarians committed to Crashing the Political Conventions this summer. We will be holding our next general meeting this Tuesday at 7pm. All anti-authoritarian radicals interested in organizing against the Conventions and planning for the anniversary of the war protests are welcome to attend.

In addition to anti-convention work, UA Chicago is organizing a campaign in solidarity with our neighbors to halt the construction of I69 in Indiana this spring. Also, Transfolk, Queers, Anarchafeminists and allies involved with UA Chicago recently formed, "Bash Back!" to facilitate the radical queer and trans convergence that will be held in Chicago in April.

Upcoming UA Events:

General Meeting
Tuesday Jan 8th
Contact us for Location

Smash The NAFTA Superhighway! Anti-I-69 Meeting Wednesday January 9th
Contact us for location

BASH BACK! Trans and Queer Convergence Planning Meeting
Thursday January 10th
Contact us for location



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