Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Protest FBI Repression against Artist/Organizers
Protest Federal Grand Jury Witchhunt
Stop FBI Repression: Protest @ Chicago Federal Bld1/10 5pm
Body: On Thursday, January 10, 2008, the National Boricua Human Rights Network will be sponsoring a protest downtown at 5pm at the Federal Building to denounce the recent FBI repression that has occurred in New York. 5 individuals (Christopher Torres, Julio Pabon Jr., Tania Figueroa, Hector Rivera & his uncle) all supporters of the independence of Puerto Rico, have been visited by the FBI and three of the five ( Christopher Torres, Julio Pabon Jr., & Tania Figueroa ) have been served subpoenas to appear in front of a federal grand jury. Please join us in saying no to FBI repression and to the use of the grand jury as a repressive tool!!
What: Protest against subpoenas given out to PR independence supporters
When: Thursday, January 10th, 2008
Time: 5pm
Where: Chicago Federal Building, Dearborn & Jackson