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Fencing-Out the "Aliens"

Fencing-Out the "Aliens": another lesson of ignorance, futility and profiteering
"The ongoing promotion of a bad idea does NOT make it a better option!"

--- Dr. Peter Stern

Despite the majority of public opinion AGAINST building the border fence between Mexico and The United States, it appears Americans will get the fence whether or not they want it or even if it won't work keeping out illegal immigrants, which it won't.

Like so many other urgent issues, our elected officials refuse to look for rational and significant resolutions for the increasing and overwhelming numbers of illegals entering the U.S. every year.

What no one seems interested in looking at:

-The U.S. has had a successful immigration program working for many generations. Why suddenly does the system appear not to work? Could it be that the U.S. is NOT enforcing our immigration laws?
-U.S. industry / businesses continue to hire illegal workers because it is in their best interests to do so, a.k.a., cheap labor, and also because there is little enforcement of the laws prohibiting employers from hiring illegals; in addition, the penalties --- even if enforced --- are NOT sufficient to make a real difference in businesses hiring illegals
-The U.S. could build a 50-foot fence and it still won't keep out illegals and it won't deal properly with the 12 MILLION-plus illegals currently living and working here
-The "fence" project is a way the government can divert attention from the REAL resolutions in favor of the ones it wants us to view
-Various business sectors like to blame the illegals for the need to increase their costs of doing business, e.g., health care, insurance, medical, varied industries, hospitals, etc.

As if the above reasons are not enough, the historical fact remains that borders fences do NOT work. The biggest and most pretentious barrier, The Great Wall of China, could NOT indefinitely keep-out invaders.

In addition, building, maintaining, repairing and surveying the fenced borders is another endless extreme and unnecessary cost to U.S. taxpayers!

Unfortunately, for the most part, the U.S. is known as a short-range thinker. Seldom do our elected and appointed officials consider any long-term affects in finding solutions for our urgent issues. Usually, it is an attempt at a short-term fix, or at best a placebo fix that really does NOT work in the best interests of the community at-large.

Still, we do NOT learn our lesson. We taxpayers continue to permit our officials to do whatever they want without accountability.

We permit the wealthy corporate sector to dominate our politics and the management of our nation so it may continue to reap significant profits at huge costs to the public and is a detriment to the very foundation of our Constitution and representational democratic government.

Does anyone recall that it's not just our border, it's also Mexico's? How about the U.S. working diplomatically with Mexico on this issue?

If Americans still want to build a fence, perhaps we should build one around our Capitol to protect ourselves from our own government!

By the way, we may want to hold-off on building that border fence. We, Americans, may need the escape route!


pstern (at)



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