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Chicago Indymedia

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Finding Our Roots Submissions

Finding Our Roots is a yearly conference in Chicago to discuss anarchist theory and action. The next conference is planned for April 25-28, 2008 and will focus on "Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest."
2nd Annual FINDING OUR ROOTS: Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest

We are seeking workshop proposals for the second annual Finding Our Roots conference, to be held in Chicago April 25-27, 2008. This year's conference topic is “Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest.”

Workshops should address any aspect of the ways in which anarchists do, can, or should organize in our region. Central questions to consider when formulating workshop ideas:

 How do we organize ourselves as anarchists?
 How can we organize across diverse communities and political tendencies?
 What does it mean to organize locally – as communities, as cities, as a region?

We strongly encourage proposals covering intersections between anarchism and other communities of resistance. Potential topics include Queer resistance, anti-racist organizing, labor/workplace organizing, organizing by and with communities of Color, neighborhood organizing, gender equality, transportation rights, environmental justice, health care, housing and household-based organizing, anti-military/anti-recruitment campaigns, prison abolition and prisoner support, anti-hunger/food redistribution campaigns, organizing against sexual violence, media activism, student organizing, and any other area in which Midwest anarchists are organizing.

Proposals should be NO MORE THAN ONE PAGE and should include:

 Workshop title
 Your name and contact info (and those of workshop presenter(s) if this isn't you – though please make sure you have confirmed with all presenters BEFORE you volunteer them)
 Specific area(s) of organizing/activism covered (see above list)
 Detailed workshop description, including an explanation of how your workshop fits into the topic of Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest
 Questions to be posed/answered in the workshop
 Main workshop goals
 Workshop format (Will it be an open discussion? Panel/roundtable? Lecture followed by Q&A? **If workshop will involve a presentation followed by discussion/Q&A, please consider how much time you will devote to each.)
 Any special materials or equipment (ie, audiovisual) you will need
 BRIEF reading list [optional]

Workshops are one hour and fifteen minutes (75 minutes) long. Workshops will be scheduled in 90-minute blocks, which INCLUDES a 10-15 minute break between workshops. We ask that presenters be diligent about staying within this time frame. If you feel you need more time for your workshop, please explain why, and we will consider allotting a longer slot.

Submit proposals to: chicagoanarchisttheory (at)
Proposal deadline: March 1, 2008



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