Vowing that would not happen again, Governor Linda Lingle, a friend of President George Bush, purchased armored vests for Kauai police and machine guns. Legislative rumors have it that Lingle has a "special relationship" with wealthy Superferry financier John Lehmann. She is said to want to run for US Senator Akaka's seat.
(San Francisco) The 350 ft long military spec transport ship is not welcome on Kauai, Hawaii, local residents made clear to the military / civilian transport officials with Superferry Corporation Monday, November 26, 2007.
The catamaran, twin hulled vessel is a dual use civilian / Troop transport. The 40,000 HP ship is capable of high speed transport at 42 mph on the open ocean, about twice the speed of other transport ships. It gets very poor gas mileage, about 5 gallons per mile, due to military speed requirements.
Andy Parx, veteran reporter on Kauai stated "The people of Kauai object to the high handed way Gov Lingle bent over backwards for such a bad idea for Hawaii. Governor Lingle then had the clueless State Lege re-write some state environmental laws for one special corporation, which, of course, is illegal and unconstitutional."
"Now the Governor wants Kauai to make nice and swallow her illegal behavior. We, the citizens of Kauai, are not going to cover up for the Governor's silly promises she can't keep. It is that simple," said Parx on Monday, November 26, 2007, in an interview with Bob Nichols, correspondent for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper.
"So, the people of Kauai are just gonna say No!" Parx added.
Free Hawaii TV newscast Action Alert - "Superferry Returns."
The Superferry is capable of discharging a flood of up to 800 civilians on little Kauai, one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Feelings are running so high that 65 Kauai surfers earlier this summer prevented the military spec ship from docking, sending it back to Honolulu.
Vowing that would not happen again, Governor Linda Lingle, a friend of President George Bush, purchased armored vests for Kauai police and machine guns. Legislative rumors have it that Lingle has a "special relationship" with wealthy Superferry financier John Lehmann. She is said to want to run for US Senator Akaka's seat.
Parx added "The people of Kauai want none of it. The whole Superferry deal smells to high heaven already. If Superferry President Mr. Garibaldi thinks he can sweet talk Hawaii he will have to do the Environmental Impact Statement first."
"We will not meet with those who would willfully violate our rights just because they can and ask us to forgive the self-same trespasses they continue to promulgate. Superferry disrespected Kauai and that is unforgivable. Garibaldi can earn his way to talk to us with a completed Environmental Impact Statement - nothing less."
Parx continued "Garibaldi and Superferry are encouraged to participate in our local official planning process where we accommodate the up to 30,000 visitors who are here in Kauai everyday now."
"He will be just like any other travel planner, eh, Mr. Parx?" Nichols inquired.
"Absolutely! He will be treated with the Aloha Spirit just like anybody else." Parx concluded.
Kauai supporters: You may email
andyparx (at) yahoo.com to add your name to the signatory list.
Additional resources:
Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award Winning writer. Nichols is following the Superferry controversy in Hawaii that has generated talk of impeaching Republican Governor Linda Lingle.