LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Media : Protest Activity : Right Wing
Protest Lou Dobbs, 11/28
Protest Lou Dobbs and his hate-mongering at Barnes & Noble on Jackson and State in Chicago on Wednesday, Nov 27th at 7:15pm. Pre-meeting at ICIRR offices at 5:30pm, 55 E. Jackson, 20th fl
Lou Dobbs is on tour promoting his latest book of hate and lies. Unfortunately he’s become a mainstream voice in America. We need to push him back to the margins where he belongs! Join us as we protest his appearance at Barnes and Noble on the corner of State and Jackson in the South Loop, Wednesday, November 28 at 7:15 p.m.
If you plan on attending the action, please attend the pre-meeting at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights’ office at 55 E. Jackson, 20th floor, and contact Ashley Moy-Wooten at
awooten (at) icirr.org or 773-987-7767.