Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

REMINDER: 2nd March 20th planning meeting

All who want to organize action(s) in Chicago against the 5th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq are invited to attend a second planning meeting on Sunday, December 2, 2pm-4pm, at the offices of the 8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe Street, Chicago (wheelchair accessible).

Additionally, we will begin discussing the organization of Chicago's responses to the 2008 Democratic and Republican national conventions to be held in Denver and the St. Paul, MN, respectively.

For more information or to have your organization sign on to this call, please email CCAWR (at)

NOTE: Please do not arrive before 1:45 PM and if you must arrive after 2:15 PM, call 773-209-1187 to be let into the building



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