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Eric McDavid - Hunger Strike, Day 10

As Eric ends the 10th day of his hunger strike we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that is working to support him, to update you on his health and clarify where things stand with the jail.

It has come to our attention that the Correctional Health Services Division has told people that they are attending to Eric's health properly and that there is nothing else that they can do. Though it is true that some of the things Eric is demanding must be authorized by the higher ups (such as Scott Jones), the jail medical staff can help remedy this situation in four important ways:

1) Give Eric the treatment they have promised. That means bloodwork, an ECG, and a visit from a cardiologist. This is not our idea of the treatment he should get, this is the treatment the doctors and nurses have said that Eric should get, or that they will provide. The doctors did finally give Eric an x-ray on Friday, but they did NOT discuss the results of the x-ray with him, or even show it to him. They also told Eric on Friday that they would be checking his vitals every day, but this has not happened since that time.

2) Eric needs to be given full access to his medical records and the results of these tests.

3) Dr. Dutrick (possibly mispelled), the man in charge at medical services, should recommend that Eric be given vegan food for medical reasons (it would obviously improve his health). Scott Jones said in an interview with the Sacramento Bee that they will give prisoners vegan food with a doctor's order.

4) Dr. Dutrick should make a recommendation to the jail administration that inmates who refuse to eat non-vegan food should be given vegan food for medical reasons (clearly eating is healthier than starving)

These things should be very easy considering only one point involves the actual delivery of medical care, which seems to be their weak point. Once these things have actually been done (not just empty promises made to Eric) then there will be no need to call the Correctional Health Services Division any more.

When calling the jail administration about vegan food, please request that they:

1) Provide Eric with vegan food immediately.

2) Change the policy about vegan meals and ensure future access to anyone that refuses to eat non-vegan food.

3) Scott Jones or Operations Commander Lt. Deputy Douglas needs to speak with Eric immediately about his requests so they can begin remedying the situation.

Please be aware when you call the jail that they may tell you Eric is receiving medical care, or that he is receiving food. Both of these statements are false. As soon as either of these situations are remedied we will let you know. They may also tell you to call Eric's mother, or that she will call you. This is completely absurd, as most of you don't even know Eric's mother. The jail is merely attempting to reduce the amount of calls they are receiving. Do not let this deter you. If the jail wants people to stop calling, the solution is easy - provide him with quality medical care and ensure vegan food for him and future vegan prisoners.

Eric is still rapidly losing weight - he has lost approximately 10 pounds in the last 10 days - and his medical condition is quickly deteriorating. He is still having problems with circulation in his extremities, his energy levels are quickly decreasing and it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to perform his normal, day to day functions.

Please continue calling the jail at the numbers below, and make sure you have Eric's x-reference number handy in case they ask for it (x-ref 2972521):

The phone number to the Correctional Health Services Division is: (916) 875-9782.

You can also email them at: inmatepatientcare (at)

Jail phone numbers: 916-874-6752 or 916-874-6905

Captain Scott Jones: 916-874-5428 (This is the direct line for the jail commander and it may only be answered during business hours)

You can also request to speak with Jail Operations Commander Douglas, as he is allegedly the person who will probably make the final decision about Eric's food.

We will send out more details as they become available. Thank you all again for your continued support!



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