Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

City Colleges of Chicago Witholding Student Nurses....

The City Colleges of Chicago are witholding successful students who have completed the nursing program from taking the State mandatory nursing license exam known as the NCLEX RN exam.

There are possibly over 30 nursing students city colleges of chicago wide, who have successfully completed the nursing program and are not being allowed the opportunity to take the NCLEX RN examination.

Why? A sudden change in their student policy. The students were unaware until shortly before graduation. The students were mandated to take a third party exam, known as the HESI EXIT exam. The students were than told if they did not pass this exam that they could not be given their nursing degree and the opportunity to take the NCLEX RN exam.

The problem. The HESI Exit exam is a computer exam. These nursing students were never familiarize with this style of test taking. Also, HESI exams are to be given at the beginning of the nursing program, after each nursing course(s) and than the exit. HESI Exam is a third party, therefore, students were unfamiliar with certain topics since it was never discussed and/or in their textbooks. The HESI Exit exam's intentions are; its a probability exam. Meanining, it determines by percentage the chances you will pass the NCLEX RN exam the first time around. The City Colleges of Chicago, need a 90% confirmation that you pass the NCLEX RN the first time. Only first time test takers are accounted. Second or third, fourth time test takers don't matter.

Therefore, three years of schooling, monies invested, sacrificies made by your family, successful completion of the nursing program, does not matter. It does not even matter that the Illinois department of Regulations states that you can take the NCLEX RN exam as many times as you can up to three years. The City Colleges of Chicago have their own rules. They care only about one thing. Taking your money.

We have no money, no license, no job. We want to work and provide for our family. Becoming a nurse is our passion. We need someone to help us. We have worked hard and the City Colleges of Chicago have turned their backs on us. All we ask for is our earned degree and the opportunity to take the NCLEX RN exam. PLEASE!



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