Chicago, IL – Now in its 40th year, Vietnam Veterans Against the War will bring together Vietnam and Iraq war veterans for its annual Veterans Day ceremony Sunday November 11 at 11 AM, at Wacker and Wabash, at the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial (located on the northwest corner, down the steps to the river level).
Chicago, IL – Now in its 40th year, Vietnam Veterans Against the War will bring together Vietnam and Iraq war veterans for its annual Veterans Day ceremony Sunday November 11 at 11 AM, at Wacker and Wabash, at the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial (located on the northwest corner, down the steps to the river level).
With the war in Iraq raging on despite overwhelming public opposition, veterans of both the Iraq and Vietnam wars will gather this Veterans Day to honor those who have fought and call for an immediate troop withdrawal. "As veterans, we know the ugly realities of war. We call for an immediate troop withdrawal before another drop of blood is shed because of failed policies," says Barry Romo of Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
Speakers will include Joan Davis, Bruce Hyland and Ray Parrish from VVAW and Patty McCann and others from Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Vietnam Veterans Against the War was founded to voice returning service-men's-and-women's growing opposition to the Vietnam War and grew to include more than 30,000 members. The group started the first rap groups to deal with the war's traumatic aftereffects on GI's, helped make known negative health effects of exposure to chemical defoliants, and exposed Veteran's Administration attempts to cover up Agent Orange induced illnesses. Membership in the organization has rebounded dramatically since the lead up to the war in Iraq. Its Web site is