LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Wed. Nov 7: Support Morton West Students - Come to the School Board Hearing Tonight
When: Wednesday, Nov. 7 - 6:30 PM
Where: Morton East High School
2423 South Austin, Cicero, IL
Come Out to the School Board Meeting Tonight! Wednesday November 7!!!!
Come out to support the Morton West High School students who staged a sit-in to protest the war and recruitment at the cafeteria November 1st and now face politically motivated expulsion hearings from a duplicitous school administration that reneged on their promise not to pursue extreme disciplinary punishments against the peaceful demonstrators.
This Wednesday at Morton East there will be a school board meeting that will most likely decide the fate of the students, and also will provide an opportunity to question the authoritarian and deceitful actions of the administration.
People are meeting at 6:30 at 2423 South Austin, Cicero, IL to support the students and the demand for amnesty from the excessive punishments including criminal charges of mob activity and expulsions against the students who took a peaceful stand for peace and justice.
- Contact mrsituationist (at) gmail.com 847-970-0575 if anyone needs transportation from public transit to the school to the school