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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Peace : Prisons

The "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" - Film Screening and Discussion Monday, Novemeber 12, 2007, 7pm to 9 pm

Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ
615 W. Wellington Avenue, Chicago, IL

The screening of the ”Ghosts of Abu Graib” will be followed by a discussion facilitated by Mike Underhill, Epiphany United Church of Christ, that will encourage people to talk about their thoughts and feelings and to identify ways to become involved in efforts to halt U.S.-sponsored torture.
Gosts of Abu Graib.jpg
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" Film Screening and Discussion - Monday, Novemeber 12, 2007, 7pm to 9 pm
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" features the familiar and very disturbing pictures of torture at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and raises many questions about the morality of current U.S. interrogation policies. The 80-minute HBO documentary produced by acclaimed filmmaker Rory Kennedy looks beyond the headlines to investigate the psychological and political context in which torture occurred. The film not only makes US policy very clear but also brings out the real dilemma of real people in the face of evil.

This film is for mature audiences only. It makes extensive use of the photographs from Abu Ghraib – many of which include male nudity – and some of the interviews are emotionally intense.

To download a flier, visit For more information, contact Pam Richart: 773.989.3346 or prichart (at)



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