The latest media advisory from the Oct. 27 Mobilization.
- Chicagoans Mobilize Against War in Iraq as a part of Nationwide Protest -
Tens of thousands expected to converge in 11 cities across nation to protest against Iraq war on October 27th
WHAT: October 27th Mobilization against the War in Iraq
WHO: Chicagoans against War and Injustice (CAWI)
150+ other Chicago-based community, labor, religious, and immigrant and veteran groups
- Demonstrators from 8 surrounding states
- United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ)
- Congressmen Jan Schakowsky, Danny Davis, Bobby Rush, Luis Gutierrez
- Aldermen Joe Moore and Ricardo Munoz
- Reverend Dr. Leon Finney of the Woodlawn Organization
- Rep. John Conyers of Michigan
WHEN: October 27th, 2007 - 1:30pm – 5pm
WHERE: Initial gathering: Union Park, Chicago, IL (Ashland Ave. & Lake St.)
Closing Rally: Federal Plaza, Chicago, IL (Adams and Dearborn)
As our engagement in Iraq persists and the threat of wider war in the Middle East looms, public opposition continues to grow. Recent polls indicate that 70% of Americans favor a withdrawal of our troops from Iraq, and this number grows by the day. In order to protest our current administration’s blatant disregard for the public will, tens of thousands of Chicagoans will gather on Saturday, October 27th at 1:30pm at Union Park (Ashland Ave. & Lake St.) in a mass mobilization to stop the war in Iraq and bring our troops home. After a one-hour opening rally, demonstrators from Chicago and eight surrounding states will march at 2:30pm from Union Park to end with a larger rally at 4:00pm at the Federal Plaza (Adams and Dearborn).
This protest, known as the October 27th mobilization, is one of 11 occurring simultaneously across the nation. Hundreds of thousands of protestors in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and Jonesborough, TN will join with Chicago in voicing their dissent. Sponsored by United for Peace and Justice, this protest will provide a platform for those who have remained silent thus far to express their message of disapproval to the Bush Administration and demand decisive action.
Congressmen Danny Davis, Jan Schakowsky and Luis Gutierrez will speak to represent our state leadership in the anti-war effort. Representative John Conyers of Michigan will speak as a representative of the greater Midwestern region that this demonstration will unite. Alderman Ricardo Munoz and Joe Moore, organizer of the 300-member “Cities for Peace” organization, will also voice their opposition to the war as representatives of Chicago’s city leadership. Reverend Leon Finney of The Woodlawn Organization, one of the nation’s most powerful urban community-based organizations, will remind demonstrators of the numerous domestic issues that suffer neglect as a result of the billions spent on this war.
“The American people are saying enough is enough,” asserted Schakowsky in a recent anti-war press conference. “Now is the time to give diplomacy a chance.”
In Chicago alone, over 150 local groups have joined hands in speaking out against the War in Iraq. Veteran, labor, immigrant, environmental, religious, student and community groups alike will be present – both on stage and as a part of the demonstration and rally.
Each month, nearly 100 service-people and countless more Iraqis are killed, some $12 billion of U.S tax dollars are spent, and the death and destruction continue. Communities throughout the nation bear the brunt of the Administrations neglect whether it be cuts to education or health care.
United for Peace and Justice is a coalition of more than 1400 local and national groups throughout the United States who have joined together to protest our presence in Iraq. For more details go to
For more information about the October 27th actions visit or
Available for comments are activist, consultant and originator of the 2002 protest, Marilyn Katz, Chicagoans Against War and Injustice (CAWI) founder Carl Davidson, UFPJ national steering committee member and CAWI co-chair; Reverend Leon Finney of the Woodlawn Organization, Representative Danny Davis and Aldermen Ricardo Munoz and Joe Moore.