Activists, historians and artists from the 60s to the present plan conference at Loyola University's North Shore campus. Convinced that what is needed is building a community that can have a vision for peace and social change and that our vision of freedom should not be obscured by an increasingly repressive society, they hope that significant participation will create the basis for a future movement.
For some folks Play and activism go hand in hand!
Making Peace! Building Community!
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at Crown Center Auditorium (Loyola Avenue & the Lake)
7 pm Manning Marable Speaks. A professor at Columbia University in New York. Author of Living Black History: How Reimaging the African-American Past Can Remake America’s Racial Future; Black Leadership: Four Great American Leaders & the Struggle for Civil Rights, etc.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 at Loyola University Life Sciences Building
10 am-10:50am Rm 212 Comics, Blues & Popular Culture: Paul Buhle, Paul Garon, David Roediger
Buhle edited Radical America in the 60s; His recent books are Wobblies! A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World and forthcoming SDS A Graphic History of Students for a Democratic Society.
Garon’s latest book is What’s the Use of Walking If There’s a Freight Train Going Your Way: Black Hoboes & Their Songs. Garon has also collected recordings of 25 songs and they enclosed with a cd. Roediger is at the U of Il in Champaign. His books include The Wages of Whiteness and Colored White
10 am-10:50am Rm 312 Anti-Miserablism—The Surrealist Perspective: David Roediger, Kate Khatib & Franklin Rosemont. Roediger has recently published History Against Misery. Khatib is a founder of Red Emma’s Book Store and is researching Surrealism. Rosemont has written Revolution in the Service of the Marvelous; Wrong Numbers and recently is author of Jacques Vaché and the Roots of Surrealism.
10 am-10:50am Rm 412 Resisting Endless War: Tom Good, Elaine Brower, Bill Ayers
Student and community organizing as well as supporting G.I. resistance. Ayers: former SDS and WUO leader and prominent educator/author/activist. Brower: mother of a US Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, member of the World Can't Wait steering committee and MDS NYC. Good is MDS organizer and editor of Next Left Notes.
11 am-11:50am Rm 212 The Struggle for Freedom, the Magna Carta & Today’s Movement: Peter Linebaugh. Historian, theorist & activist. Linebaugh, who studied with the great English historian E.P. Thompson, is author of The London Hanged and coeditor of Midnight Notes
11 am-11:50am Rm 312 The Middle East You Don’t Know!: Don LaCoss is a Historian at U. of Wisconsin, LaCrosse. Editor of the collection Surrealism, Politics & Culture.
11am-12:50pm Rm 414 Open MDS Discussion on Chapter Building, Mutual-Aid & Solidarity: Tom Good, Alan Haber moderate. Haber is a founder of SDS and peace activist. He is noted for tireless efforts to help rebuild a movement. Good is editor of Next Left Notes.
12 pm-12:50pm Rm 212 Women’s Rights, Gay Rights, Human Rights: Andy Thayer, Paige Phillips.
Paige Phillips is an actress and activist, noted for her portrayal of Emma Goldman. Andy Thayer is an activist in the struggle for Gay Rights
12pm-12:50pm Rm 312 Creating Alternative Spaces: Kate Khatib, Matt Malooley, Ruth Oppenheim & John Duda. Malooley has a program on WLUW and writes for Lumpen. Duda has worked with puppets at major protests and is a founder of Red Emma’s. Oppenheim has traveled the US working at alternative events. Khatib has worked creating Radical Bookfairs.
1:00pm-2:00 pm at Loyola University Sullivan Center Galvin Auditorium at Devon & Sheridan at the Lake. WAR & PEACE: Kathy Kelly, Carl Davidson, Muhammad Ahmad
Kelly is a noted Peace Activist with Voices in the Wilderness. She has many times put herself on the front lines in hopes of making peace. Davison has been an active voice in Chicago for 40 years. He is author of one of SDS’s most important documents The New Radicals in the Multiversity and Student Syndicalism. He is currently building the Peace Moratorium. Ahmad (Max Stanford) currently teaches at Temple University and is speaking and touring the country, he is author of We Will Return in the Whirlwind: Black Radical Organization 1960-1975 introduced by John Bracey.
2:00 pm-3:00 pm at Loyola University Sullivan Center Galvin Auditorium at Devon & Sheridan at the Lake. 1968 PANEL: Marilyn Katz, Michael James, Franklin Rosemont, Michael Klonsky, Susan Klonsky. Katz is a noted speaker, an excellent debater, a publicist for good causes. James an SDS organizer was a founder of Rising Up Angry; he edits the Heartland Journal. Klonsky was National secretary of SDS in 1968, responsible for much of the planning and coordination of the SDS events of that year. He has devoted himself to educational reform, Teaching for Social Justice. Susan Klonsky worked in the SDS National Office, has an excellent memory of that time and has been also working in educational reform. In the 60s Rosemont helped form the Louis Lingg Memorial chapter of SDS and was editor of Rebel Worker and Surrealist Insurrection.
4 pm Red Line Tap, 7006 N. Glenwood (around the corner from the Heartland Café)
40 Year Reunion of 1968 SDS and Peace activists: open mike
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 at Loyola University Life Sciences Building
10am-10:50pm Rm 212 Teaching for Social Justice: Michael Klonsky, and others. Klonsky has long been a fighter for Social Justice.
10am-10:50pm Rm 312 Racism & the Legal System: Muhammad Ahmad, Gale Ahrens & Bruce Rubenstein
Ahmad was National Field Chairman of RAM in the 60s. Ahrens an prison abolitionist edited and introduced Lucy Parsons: Freedom, Equality & Solidarity. Rubenstein, attorney, was a member of SDS in the 60s, is currently Treasurer of the Foundation for a Democratic Society
10am-10:50pm Rm 412 Zapatistas Discuss Immigration: Rafael Cervantes, and others from Colectivo Caracolero Chicago Otra
11am-11:50 am Rm 212 Toward a Liberating Media: Michael James, Warren Leming, Penelope Rosemont
James is a longtime activist. Leming is a playwright and actor whose plays are inspired by Brecht and heroic working class people. He is author of Cold Chicago-A Haymarket Fable about Chicago’s Haymarket tragedy.
Rosemont is author of Surrealist Experiences and editor of Surrealism Women---An International Anthology and learned about printing at the SDS National office in the 60s.
11am-11:50pm Rm 412 SDS, Greens & the New Movement—The Labor & IWW Connections: Joe Feinberg and others. Feinberg is a student and activist
12pm-4pm Rm 412 Alan Haber: Movement Building—SDS, Then & Now!
Followed by SDS/MDS Discussion & Free discussion time
The CTA El stop is Loyola.
Parking is at 1110 Sheridan Road (actually Sheridan & Devon) You will need $6.00 (exact change or credit card to get your car out). The Life Sciences building is on Sheridan slightly east of the parking entrance.
Sponsors: Movement for a Democratic Society, Loyola Greens, Loyola Sociology Dept., New World Resource Center, Charles H. Kerr Co., etc.