October 19, 2007
John Beacham, ANSWER Chicago Co-coordinator
On October 27, thousands of people from all over the Midwest will join the largest ever fall demonstration against the Iraq War in Chicago. There will also be marches in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Seattle, New Orleans, Boston and many other cities on that day. A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), along with United for Peace and Justice, has called for regional demonstrations on the 27th and is actively building all actions.
The nationally coordinated demonstrations on Oct 27 must be as big as possible. The war is a catastrophe for the people of Iraq. Over 1 million Iraqis have died. It is a catastrophe for the people of the U.S. too. The Iraq War has cost $450 billion to date and Congress is getting ready to spend another $200 billion. That money should be spent on education, healthcare, jobs, housing, social security, infrastructure, affordable and adequate public transportation, and many other essential services - not war & occupation.
A large, united march through the heart of Chicago on Oct 27 will send a clear signal to the warmongers in the White House and Congress that the war must end now. It will help draw more people into the anti-war movement and can spark greater organizing in the city and region. The importance of raising our level of activity and determination cannot be stressed enough. It is the people – in the streets - that will end the war, not the politicians.
A new day is dawning in this country, sisters and brothers. We see it on the streets at mass demonstrations like the militant Sept. 15 March on Washington and we can see it when we do anti-war outreach at schools and L stops here in Chicago. The Iraq War, threats of war against Iran, the government’s war on immigrants, increasing racism as seen in the case of the Jena 6 are all part of a general assault on our communities, rights, wages, benefits, dreams and aspirations. We have come to an important historical juncture where what is needed is to build an unstoppable, independent political force capable of dynamic mass intervention from the bottom of U.S. society all the way to the top. Together, we can help make this a reality!
The October 27 mobilization in Chicago is endorsed by over 150 organizations all over the Midwest. Buses and trains are coming from all over the region. We urge everyone to join us in the streets to demand … End the War Now; Full Rights for All Immigrants; End Occupation: Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, Afghanistan and everywhere; U.S. Hands off Iran; and Freedom for the Jena 6 – Stand against Racism! |
The anti-war movement and the 2008 Elections
Millions of people who are against war & occupation – some of whom have marched in the hundreds of thousands all over the country in the last seven years - may be drawn to the 2008 elections, hoping that the ballot will bring about change and an end to the war. This is an illusion. But one that people must dispel through their own experiences, common interests and collective action.
The 2008 election – just like the 2006 election – will prove once again that the two establishment parties are parties of big business and war. All three front-running Democratic presidential candidates are on record saying that if elected they would likely continue the Iraq War for their entire term - until 2013!
Washington is blatantly ignoring the demands of the people. When it comes to war, both of the corporate-backed parties and all the imperial administrators in Washington do everything they can to sideline and pacify the people of the U.S. with lies, lectures, various stall tactics and threats. They live in a much different world than the vast majority of us. They profit off of misery, exploitation and destruction.
U.S. corporate power seeks to dominate Iraq, Iran and the entire oil-rich Middle East. The President elected in 2008 - Republican or Democrat - will pursue this goal above all else. His or her administration, along with the generals in the Pentagon, will continue to support the occupations of Palestine, Afghanistan, Somalia and Haiti. They will continue to threaten independent Iran, Sudan and Syria with war and economic aggression.
The only force powerful enough to shut down the war machine? The people. Let’s come together on the streets of Chicago on Oct 27 to End the War Now!
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