Announcement :: International Relations : Labor : Peace
Iraq's labor and secular movement - next Labor Beat
Documentary about the pro-labor, secular movement in Iraq. Cable-tv schedule info. First showing Thurs., Oct. 18, Chicago's CAN TV.
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May Day rally in Iraq - scene from "Go Forward, IFC"
Go Forward, Iraq Freedom Congress
Chicago Cable Channel 19, CAN TV
Thurs., Oct. 18, 9:30 pm
Fri., Oct. 19, 4:30 pm
Thurs., Oct. 25, 9:30 pm
Fri., Oct. 36, 4:30 pm
Labor Beat presents here a unique opportunity for cable-tv audiences in the U.S. to get a glimpse of a social movement in Iraq that is not portrayed on the major networks. "Go Forward, Iraq Freedom Congress (IFC)" documents events from about 2 years ago, and was produced by Mabui Cine-coop in Japan. The IFC movement in Iraq is non-Islamicist, anti-occupation, pro-labor, pro-womens' rights, pro-student, pro-unemployed. Supporters of the IFC visited Chicago in 2005 as part of the USLAW Iraqi trade unionists tour (Falah Awan and Amjad Aljawhary, of the Federation of Workers Councils and Unions of Iraq). This 30 minute documentary shows meetings and demonstrations in Iraq that are clearly secular and pro-labor. The video also shows that the IFC defines itself as an internationalist movement, with scenes of the US tour and of a recent solidarity tour in Japan. This video is not for sale by Labor Beat.
Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producer, not necessarily of IBEW. For info:
mail (at), 312-226-3330.