Note from CarlD: Here's a little something to chew on, folks.
They put it out as a press release last week.
Now, would you welcome them aboard your 'Out Now' events, or would you hold them off, finding things you would have worded differently, or set up some special 'higher standard' hoops, hurdles and obstacles for them?
Does their action here help or hinder the antiwar effort?
Do you think it might be a good idea to encourage every county-level local of the Dems, and the GOP for that matter, in the country to do the same?
If it would grow, I'd think it would help end the war sooner rather than later, wouldn't you?
All Out Oct 27...
Click on image for a larger version
September 24, 2007
Democratic Party of Milwaukee County
Resolution to Support the Iraq Moratorium and October 27 Demonstrations
WHEREAS, a monthly Iraq Moratorium began on Friday, September 21, 2007, and will repeat on the third Friday of each month, with the objective of actively involving the 70% of Americans who oppose the occupation of Iraq but who have yet to take action; and
WHEREAS, nationally coordinated regional mass demonstrations have been called for October 27, 2007, by United for Peace and Justice under the slogan “End the War Now,” to give public expression to the growing opposition to the occupation in Iraq, and to the waste of resources that should be used to meet human needs; and
WHEREAS, the members of the Democratic Party of Milwaukee County (DPMC) officially and explicitly oppose the occupation of Iraq, and favor using our resources to meet human needs; and
WHEREAS, the Iraq Moratorium and the October 27 demonstrations offer an opportunity for the Democratic Party to mobilize its base to actively demand that all U.S. troops and private contractors be brought rapidly and safely home, that all U.S. bases in Iraq be dismantled and abandoned, and that resources now spent on the occupation be invested in meeting human needs; and
THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that the DPMC endorses and will actively encourage its members to participate in the monthly Iraq Moratorium activities by, for example, encouraging members to wear arm bands and other antiwar insignia at work, attend vigils, conduct workplace educational programs, sign postcards to Congress, and other activities to demonstrate opposition to the occupation; and
FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the DPMC also endorses and urges its members and their families to promote and participate in the October 27 antiwar demonstration in Chicago; and
FINALLY, RESOLVED, that the DPMC will send a copy of this resolution to all its affiliates with a request that they too endorse, mobilize, and participate in these important expressions of opposition to the occupation in Iraq.