Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Reminder: Open planning meeting to organize the student feeder march and contingent

Come to help plan the student feeder march and contingent on Oct. 27th. YAY!!
Attention All Students! Help us build an alternatively themed prescence at the October 27th mobilization and plan against Islamofascism Awareness Week.
Student/youth activists and organizations across the city are working on creating a unified prescence at the October 27th march in Chicago that challenges US imperialism around the world, rather than one that capitulates to the Democratic Party goals and expectations. Planning will also include plans to counter Islamofascism Awareness Week on Chicago campuses. The meeting will be held:

Sunday, October 14th at Cafe Mediterra (728 S. Dearborn)
2 pm

All student/youth activists and organizations are welcome!

For more info please contact tsalemme (at)



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