Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Oct. 11: Students to Protest Army Recruitment Center in University Center Dormitory

On Thursday, October 11, students from Columbia College, Depaul University, and Roosevelt University will hold a protest at noon outside of the army recruitment center at the university center dormitory; 525 S. State Street.
The students will demand: No Attack on Iran! No to the Militarization of the University! No Fascist Youth on Any Campus! The students argue that as the Bush adminstration gears up to go to war with Iran, recruitment centers pop up on campuses all across the country and dissenting professors are purged from academia, creating an urgent and growing need for a student resistance movement. On Thursday, students aim to shut down the recruitment center and use the protest as a spring-board to building opposition to David Horowitz's "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week," which will occur at over 150 universities from October 22-26, including at Chicago's Depaul University.

Students will pose the challenge: "Will we be remembered as the generation that sat back and allowed this fascistic stampede to trample the world, or are we going to actually refuse to go along with it? It is time to throw our bodies into this, to boldly stand up, no matter the consequences, and to be the resistance movement we have all been waiting for."

-- Organized by the Alliance, a group open to anyone concerned with injustice, oppression, and war.



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